High Level Client 是基于 Low Level Client 的。官方文档如下:
* *
org.elasticsearch.client transport 6.5.0 org.apache.logging.log4j log4j-core 2.11.1 org.apache.logging.log4j log4j-to-slf4j 2.11.1 org.slf4j slf4j-api 1.7.25 org.elasticsearch.client elasticsearch-rest-client 6.5.0 org.elasticsearch.client elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client 6.5.0
import org.apache.http.HttpHost;import org.elasticsearch.client.RestClient;import org.elasticsearch.client.RestHighLevelClient;/** * Java高级REST客户机在Java低级REST客户机之上工作。它的主要目标是公开特定于API的方法,这些方法接受请求对象作为参数并返回响应对象 * 可以同步或异步调用每个API。同步方法返回一个响应对象,而异步方法(其名称以async后缀结尾)需要一个侦听器参数 * 一旦接收到响应或错误,侦听器参数(在低层客户机管理的线程池上)将被通知。 * Java高级REST客户机依赖于Elasticsearch核心项目。它接受与TransportClient相同的请求参数,并返回相同的响应对象。 * Java高级REST客户机需要Java 1.8 * 客户机版本与开发客户机的Elasticsearch版本相同 * 6.0客户端能够与任意6.X节点通信,6.1客户端能够与6.1、6.2和任意6.X通信 */public class RestClientFactory { private RestClientFactory(){} private static class Inner{ private static final RestClientFactory instance = new RestClientFactory(); } public static RestClientFactory getInstance(){ return Inner.instance; } public RestHighLevelClient getClient(){ RestHighLevelClient client = new RestHighLevelClient( RestClient.builder( //new HttpHost("localhost", 9201, "http"), new HttpHost("localhost", 9200, "http") ) ); return client; }}
1. Index
查看所有数据GET twitter/t_doc/_search
# 添加数据[index]/[type]/[id]PUT twitter/t_doc/10{ "user" : "kimchy", "post_date" : "2018-12-24T11:32:00", "message" : "trying out Elasticsearch"}
{ "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "10", "_version" : 1, "result" : "created", "_shards" : { "total" : 2, "successful" : 1, "failed" : 0 }, "_seq_no" : 0, "_primary_term" : 1}
public static RestHighLevelClient index() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); MapjsonMap = new HashMap<>(); jsonMap.put("user", "kimchy"); jsonMap.put("postDate", new Date()); jsonMap.put("message", "trying out Elasticsearch"); IndexRequest indexRequest = new IndexRequest("twitter", "t_doc", "1") .source(jsonMap); IndexResponse response = client.index(indexRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(response.status().name()); return client; }
/** * 方式二:XContentBuilder * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient index2() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); XContentBuilder builder = jsonBuilder(); builder.startObject(); { builder.field("user", "kimchy"); builder.timeField("postDate", new Date()); builder.field("message", "trying out Elasticsearch"); } builder.endObject(); IndexRequest indexRequest = new IndexRequest("twitter", "t_doc", "2") .source(builder); IndexResponse response = client.index(indexRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(response.status().name()); return client; } /** * 方式三:Object key-pairs对象键 * 同步方法 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient index3() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); IndexRequest indexRequest = new IndexRequest("twitter", "t_doc", "3") .source("user", "kimchy", "postDate", new Date(), "message", "trying out Elasticsearch"); IndexResponse response = client.index(indexRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); // 同步方式 System.out.println(response.status().name()); return client; }
/** * 异步方法 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient index4() throws IOException, InterruptedException { ActionListener listener = new ActionListener() { @Override public void onResponse(IndexResponse indexResponse) { System.out.println("Async:" + indexResponse.status().name()); if (indexResponse.getResult() == DocWriteResponse.Result.CREATED) { // Todo } else if (indexResponse.getResult() == DocWriteResponse.Result.UPDATED) { // Todo } // 处理成功分片小于总分片的情况 ReplicationResponse.ShardInfo shardInfo = indexResponse.getShardInfo(); if (shardInfo.getTotal() != shardInfo.getSuccessful()) { // Todo } } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { System.out.println("AsyncFailure:" + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } }; RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); IndexRequest indexRequest = new IndexRequest("twitter", "t_doc", "4") .source("user", "kimchy", "postDate", new Date(), "message", "trying out Elasticsearch") .routing("my_route"); // 指定路由 client.indexAsync(indexRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT, listener); // 异步方式 Thread.sleep(2000); return client; }
2. Get
# 获取数据GET twitter/t_doc/1结果:{ "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "1", "_version" : 1, "found" : true, "_source" : { "postDate" : "2018-12-24T03:42:22.787Z", "message" : "trying out Elasticsearch", "user" : "kimchy" }}
GET twitter/t_doc/4?routing=my_route结果:{ "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "4", "_version" : 1, "_routing" : "my_route", "found" : true, "_source" : { "user" : "kimchy", "postDate" : "2018-12-24T06:08:45.178Z", "message" : "trying out Elasticsearch" }}
GET twitter/t_doc/4/_source?routing=my_route结果:{ "user" : "kimchy", "postDate" : "2018-12-24T06:08:45.178Z", "message" : "trying out Elasticsearch"}
public static RestHighLevelClient getOne() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); GetRequest request = new GetRequest("twitter", "t_doc", "4").routing("my_route"); // 指定routing的数据,查询也要指定 try { GetResponse response = client.get(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(response.getSourceAsString()); } catch (ElasticsearchException e) { // 处理找不到index的异常 if(e.status() == RestStatus.NOT_FOUND){ // TODO } } return client; }
{"user":"kimchy","postDate":"2018-12-24T06:08:45.178Z","message":"trying out Elasticsearch"}
/** * 查询-额外参数 * 异步获取 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient getOneOp() throws IOException, InterruptedException { ActionListenerlistener = new ActionListener () { @Override public void onResponse(GetResponse documentFields) { System.out.println(documentFields.getSourceAsString()); } @Override public void onFailure(Exception e) { System.out.println("Error:" + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } }; RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); GetRequest request = new GetRequest("twitter", "t_doc", "1"); String[] includes = new String[]{"message", "*Date"}; // 包含的字段 String[] excludes = Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY; // 排除的字段 FetchSourceContext fetchSourceContext = new FetchSourceContext(true, includes, excludes); request.fetchSourceContext(fetchSourceContext); client.getAsync(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT, listener); Thread.sleep(2000); return client; }
{"postDate":"2018-12-24T03:42:22.787Z","message":"trying out Elasticsearch"}
到这里也应该知道,Rest API 对每个操作提供了同步/异步的方法。
3. Exist API
/** * 检查是否存在 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient exist() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); GetRequest request = new GetRequest("twitter", "t_doc", "1"); request.storedFields("_none_"); // 禁用获取存储字段 request.fetchSourceContext(FetchSourceContext.DO_NOT_FETCH_SOURCE); // 禁用抓取_source boolean exists = client.exists(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(exists); return client; }
4. Delete API
DELETE twitter/t_doc/1结果:{ "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "1", "_version" : 2, "result" : "deleted", "_shards" : { "total" : 2, "successful" : 1, "failed" : 0 }, "_seq_no" : 1, "_primary_term" : 1}
/** * 删除也可以异步、也可以捕获异常,成功删除的分片数量,版本冲突 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient deleteOne() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); DeleteRequest request = new DeleteRequest("twitter", "t_doc", "1"); DeleteResponse response = client.delete(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(response.status().name()); // 处理找不到的情况 if (response.getResult() == DocWriteResponse.Result.NOT_FOUND) { // TODO } return client; }
5. Delete By Query API
{ "user":"Tom","flag":"1"}{ "user":"foo","flag":"2"}{ "user":"bar","flag":"2"}{ "user":"baz","flag":"2"}
# 删除flag=2的数据POST twitter/_delete_by_query?conflicts=proceed{ "query": { "match": { "flag": "2" } }}结果:{ "took" : 183, "timed_out" : false, "total" : 3, "deleted" : 3, "batches" : 1, "version_conflicts" : 0, "noops" : 0, "retries" : { "bulk" : 0, "search" : 0 }, "throttled_millis" : 0, "requests_per_second" : -1.0, "throttled_until_millis" : 0, "failures" : [ ]}
# 清空索引全部数据POST /[索引名]/_delete_by_query{ "query": { "match_all": { } }}
/** * 根据查询条件删除 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient deleteByQuery() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); DeleteByQueryRequest request = new DeleteByQueryRequest("twitter"); request.setConflicts("proceed"); // 发生冲突即略过 request.setQuery(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("flag","2")); BulkByScrollResponse bulkResponse = client.deleteByQuery(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); TimeValue timeTaken = bulkResponse.getTook(); boolean timedOut = bulkResponse.isTimedOut(); long totalDocs = bulkResponse.getTotal(); long updatedDocs = bulkResponse.getUpdated(); long deletedDocs = bulkResponse.getDeleted(); long batches = bulkResponse.getBatches(); long noops = bulkResponse.getNoops(); long versionConflicts = bulkResponse.getVersionConflicts(); System.out.println("花费时间:" + timeTaken + ",是否超时:" + timedOut + ",总文档数:" + totalDocs + ",更新数:" + updatedDocs + ",删除数:" + deletedDocs + ",批量次数:" + batches + ",跳过数:" + noops + ",冲突数:" + versionConflicts); ListsearchFailures = bulkResponse.getSearchFailures(); // 搜索期间的故障 searchFailures.forEach(e -> { System.err.println("Cause:" + e.getReason().getMessage() + "Index:" + e.getIndex() + ",NodeId:" + e.getNodeId() + ",ShardId:" + e.getShardId()); }); List bulkFailures = bulkResponse.getBulkFailures(); // 批量索引期间的故障 bulkFailures.forEach(e -> { System.err.println("Cause:" + e.getCause().getMessage() + "Index:" + e.getIndex() + ",Type:" + e.getType() + ",Id:" + e.getId()); }); return client; }
6. Update API
{ "user":"Tom","flag":"1"}
# 通过脚本更新POST twitter/t_doc/1/_update{ "script" : { "source": "ctx._source.msg = params.msg", "lang": "painless", "params" : { "msg" : "達に携帯で連絡取ろうと思ったら 電池が切れてて動かない" } }}# 通过文档更新POST twitter/t_doc/1/_update{ "doc" : { "user" : "new_name" }}
# upserts(如果文档不存在,则把upsert里面的内容作为文档插入)POST twitter/t_doc/2/_update{ "script" : { "source": "ctx._source.counter += params.count", "lang": "painless", "params" : { "count" : 4 } }, "upsert" : { "counter" : 1 }}结果【创建新文档】:{ "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "2", "_version" : 1, "result" : "created", "_shards" : { "total" : 2, "successful" : 1, "failed" : 0 }, "_seq_no" : 1, "_primary_term" : 1}
结果【更新文档】:{ "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "2", "_version" : 2, "result" : "updated", "_shards" : { "total" : 2, "successful" : 1, "failed" : 0 }, "_seq_no" : 2, "_primary_term" : 1}查询:GET twitter/t_doc/2结果:{ "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "2", "_version" : 2, "found" : true, "_source" : { "counter" : 5 }}
# 如果文档不存在,则将doc内容作为新文档插入(因为"doc_as_upsert" : true)POST twitter/t_doc/3/_update{ "doc" : { "name" : "new_name" }, "doc_as_upsert" : true}结果:{ "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "3", "_version" : 1, "result" : "created", "_shards" : { "total" : 2, "successful" : 1, "failed" : 0 }, "_seq_no" : 5, "_primary_term" : 1}查询:GET twitter/t_doc/3结果:{ "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "3", "_version" : 1, "found" : true, "_source" : { "name" : "new_name" }}
/** * 通过脚本更新,可以添加字段 * @return */ public static RestHighLevelClient updateOne() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest("twitter", "t_doc", "1"); Mapparameters = singletonMap("msg", "達に携帯で連絡取ろうと思ったら 電池が切れてて動かない"); Script inline = new Script(ScriptType.INLINE, "painless", "ctx._source.msg = params.msg", parameters); request.script(inline); UpdateResponse update = client.update(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(update.status().name()); return client; }
GET twitter/t_doc/1结果:{ "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "1", "_version" : 4, "found" : true, "_source" : { "user" : "Tom", "flag" : "1", "msg" : "達に携帯で連絡取ろうと思ったら 電池が切れてて動かない" }}
/** * 通过XContentBuilder更新 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient updateOne2() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); XContentBuilder builder = jsonBuilder() .startObject() .startObject("animal") .field("cat", "阿猫") .field("dog", "阿狗") .endObject() .endObject(); UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest("twitter", "t_doc", "1").doc(builder); UpdateResponse update = client.update(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(update.status().name()); return client; }
GET twitter/t_doc/1结果:{ "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "1", "_version" : 5, "found" : true, "_source" : { "user" : "Tom", "flag" : "1", "msg" : "達に携帯で連絡取ろうと思ったら 電池が切れてて動かない", "animal" : { "cat" : "阿猫", "dog" : "阿狗" } }}
/** * 通过jsonMap更新 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient updateOne3() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); MapjsonMap = new HashMap<>(); jsonMap.put("updateUser", "Jack Ma"); UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest("posts", "doc", "1").doc(jsonMap); UpdateResponse update = client.update(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(update.status().name()); return client; }
GET twitter/t_doc/1结果:{ "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "1", "_version" : 6, "found" : true, "_source" : { "user" : "Tom", "flag" : "1", "msg" : "達に携帯で連絡取ろうと思ったら 電池が切れてて動かない", "animal" : { "cat" : "阿猫", "dog" : "阿狗" }, "updateUser" : "Jack Ma" }}
还可以通过 key-pairs
/** * 通过 key-pairs 更新 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient updateOne4() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest("twitter", "t_doc", "1") .doc("favorite","二狗","hate","no Money"); UpdateResponse update = client.update(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(update.status().name()); return client; }
GET twitter/t_doc/1结果:{ "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "1", "_version" : 7, "found" : true, "_source" : { "user" : "Tom", "flag" : "1", "msg" : "達に携帯で連絡取ろうと思ったら 電池が切れてて動かない", "animal" : { "cat" : "阿猫", "dog" : "阿狗" }, "updateUser" : "Jack Ma", "hate" : "no Money", "favorite" : "二狗" }}
/** * 存在即更新【输出:OK】 * OK * {"C":"Carambola","A":"Apple","B":"Banana"} * 不存在则创建【输出:CREATED】 * CREATED * {"C":"Carambola"} * 开启scriptedUpsert【在文档不存在情况下输出:CREATED】 * {"A" : "Apple","B" : "Banana","C" : "Carambola"} * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient upserts() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest("twitter", "t_doc", "7") .script(new Script(ScriptType.INLINE,"painless", "ctx._source.A='Apple';ctx._source.B='Banana'",Collections.EMPTY_MAP)) // 如果文档不存在,使用upsert方法定义一些内容,这些内容将作为新文档插入 .upsert(jsonBuilder() .startObject() .field("C","Carambola") .endObject()); request.timeout(TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(2)); // 2秒超时 //request.scriptedUpsert(true); // 无论文档是否存在,脚本都必须运行 UpdateResponse update = client.update(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(update.status().name()); return client; }
/** * 存在即更新 * OK * {"C" : "Carambola","A" : "Apple","B" : "Banana","D" : "Dew"} * 不存在则创建 * CREATED * {"C" : "Carambola"} * 开启docAsUpsert【在文档不存在情况下输出:CREATED】 * {"A" : "Apple","B" : "Banana","D" : "Dew"} * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient upserts2() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest("twitter", "t_doc", "8") .doc(jsonBuilder() .startObject() .field("A","Apple") .field("B","Banana") .field("D","Dew") .endObject()) // 如果指定docAsUpsert(true),会忽略upsert方法 .upsert(jsonBuilder() .startObject() .field("C","Carambola") .endObject()); //request.docAsUpsert(true); // 如果部分文档尚不存在,则必须将doc用作upsert文档 request.timeout(TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(2)); // 2秒超时 try { UpdateResponse update = client.update(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(update.status().name()); } catch (ElasticsearchException e) { if (e.status() == RestStatus.NOT_FOUND) { // TODO } } return client; }
7. Update By Query API
# 不更改源数据的前提下更新文档POST twitter/_update_by_query?conflicts=proceed结果:{ "took" : 186, "timed_out" : false, "total" : 9, "updated" : 9, "deleted" : 0, "batches" : 1, "version_conflicts" : 0, "noops" : 0, "retries" : { "bulk" : 0, "search" : 0 }, "throttled_millis" : 0, "requests_per_second" : -1.0, "throttled_until_millis" : 0, "failures" : [ ]}
{ "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "9", "_version" : 3, "found" : true, "_source" : { "flag" : "2", "user" : "foo" }}
# 通过脚本更新POST twitter/_update_by_query?conflicts=proceed{ "script": { "source": "ctx._source.flag++", "lang": "painless" }, "query": { "term": { "user": "foo" } }}结果:{ "took" : 102, "timed_out" : false, "total" : 1, "updated" : 1, "deleted" : 0, "batches" : 1, "version_conflicts" : 0, "noops" : 0, "retries" : { "bulk" : 0, "search" : 0 }, "throttled_millis" : 0, "requests_per_second" : -1.0, "throttled_until_millis" : 0, "failures" : [ ]}
/** * 根据查询条件更新 * @return */ public static RestHighLevelClient updateByQuery() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); UpdateByQueryRequest request = new UpdateByQueryRequest("twitter"); request.setConflicts("proceed"); request.setQuery(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery()) .setBatchSize(50) // 批处理大小 .setSize(100) // 限制处理文档的数量 .setScript(new Script( ScriptType.INLINE, "painless", "if (ctx._source.flag == '2') {ctx._source.extMsg = '小林さんちのメイドラゴン';}", // 增加一个字段extMsg Collections.emptyMap())); BulkByScrollResponse bulkResponse = client.updateByQuery(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); TimeValue timeTaken = bulkResponse.getTook(); boolean timedOut = bulkResponse.isTimedOut(); long totalDocs = bulkResponse.getTotal(); long updatedDocs = bulkResponse.getUpdated(); long deletedDocs = bulkResponse.getDeleted(); long batches = bulkResponse.getBatches(); long noops = bulkResponse.getNoops(); long versionConflicts = bulkResponse.getVersionConflicts(); System.out.println("花费时间:" + timeTaken + ",是否超时:" + timedOut + ",总文档数:" + totalDocs + ",更新数:" + updatedDocs + ",删除数:" + deletedDocs + ",批量次数:" + batches + ",跳过数:" + noops + ",冲突数:" + versionConflicts); ListsearchFailures = bulkResponse.getSearchFailures(); // 搜索期间的故障 searchFailures.forEach(e -> { System.err.println("Cause:" + e.getReason().getMessage() + "Index:" + e.getIndex() + ",NodeId:" + e.getNodeId() + ",ShardId:" + e.getShardId()); }); List bulkFailures = bulkResponse.getBulkFailures(); // 批量索引期间的故障 bulkFailures.forEach(e -> { System.err.println("Cause:" + e.getCause().getMessage() + "Index:" + e.getIndex() + ",Type:" + e.getType() + ",Id:" + e.getId()); }); return client; }
# 查询flag=2的文档GET /twitter/_search{ "query": { "match": { "flag": "2" } }}结果:{ "took" : 0, "timed_out" : false, "_shards" : { "total" : 5, "successful" : 5, "skipped" : 0, "failed" : 0 }, "hits" : { "total" : 2, "max_score" : 0.6931472, "hits" : [ { "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "10", "_score" : 0.6931472, "_source" : { "flag" : "2", "extMsg" : "小林さんちのメイドラゴン", "user" : "bar" } }, { "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "11", "_score" : 0.2876821, "_source" : { "flag" : "2", "extMsg" : "小林さんちのメイドラゴン", "user" : "baz" } } ] }}
8. Bulk API
# 批量处理(允许Add,Delete,Update操作)如果包含routing要加上POST _bulk{ "delete" : { "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "9" } }{ "update" : { "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "4","routing":"my_route" } }{ "doc" : {"user":"new_user"} }{ "index" : { "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "21" }}{ "user":"Tom","flag":"1" }{ "index" : { "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "22" }}{ "user":"Tony","flag":"1" }{ "index" : { "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "23" }}{ "user":"Mary","flag":"1" }{ "index" : { "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "24" }}{ "user":"Jerry","flag":"1" }
/** * 批量添加 * @return */ public static RestHighLevelClient bulkAdd() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); BulkRequest request = new BulkRequest(); request.add(new IndexRequest("twitter", "t_doc", "25") .source(XContentType.JSON,"user", "Tom","flag","1")); request.add(new IndexRequest("twitter", "t_doc", "26") .source(XContentType.JSON,"user", "foo","flag","2")); request.add(new IndexRequest("twitter", "t_doc", "27") .source(XContentType.JSON,"user", "bar","flag","2")); request.add(new IndexRequest("twitter", "t_doc", "28") .source(XContentType.JSON,"user", "baz","flag","2")); BulkResponse bulk = client.bulk(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println("Status:" + bulk.status().name() + ",hasFailures:" + bulk.hasFailures()); // 下面是multiGet MultiGetRequest multiGetRequest = new MultiGetRequest() .add(new MultiGetRequest.Item("twitter", "t_doc", "25")) .add(new MultiGetRequest.Item("twitter", "t_doc", "26")) .add(new MultiGetRequest.Item("twitter", "t_doc", "27")) .add(new MultiGetRequest.Item("twitter", "t_doc", "28")); MultiGetResponse response = client.mget(multiGetRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); MultiGetItemResponse[] itemResponses = response.getResponses(); for(MultiGetItemResponse r : itemResponses){ System.out.println(r.getResponse().getSourceAsString()); } return client; }
Status:OK,hasFailures:false{ "user":"Tom","flag":"1"}{ "user":"foo","flag":"2"}{ "user":"bar","flag":"2"}{ "user":"baz","flag":"2"}
/** * 批量更新 * @return */ public static RestHighLevelClient bulkUpdate() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); BulkRequest request = new BulkRequest(); // 更新 request.add(new UpdateRequest("twitter", "t_doc", "27") .doc(XContentType.JSON,"field", "foo","color", "red","size", "100")); // 添加 request.add(new IndexRequest("twitter", "t_doc", "29") .source(XContentType.JSON,"field", "bar","color", "blue","size", "200")); // 删除 request.add(new DeleteRequest("twitter", "t_doc", "28")); BulkResponse bulk = client.bulk(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println("Status:" + bulk.status().name() + ",hasFailures:" + bulk.hasFailures()); // 针对不同类型进行处理 for (BulkItemResponse bulkItemResponse : bulk) { DocWriteResponse itemResponse = bulkItemResponse.getResponse(); if (bulkItemResponse.getOpType() == DocWriteRequest.OpType.INDEX || bulkItemResponse.getOpType() == DocWriteRequest.OpType.CREATE) { IndexResponse indexResponse = (IndexResponse) itemResponse; System.out.println(indexResponse.status().name()); } else if (bulkItemResponse.getOpType() == DocWriteRequest.OpType.UPDATE) { UpdateResponse updateResponse = (UpdateResponse) itemResponse; System.out.println(updateResponse.status().name()); } else if (bulkItemResponse.getOpType() == DocWriteRequest.OpType.DELETE) { DeleteResponse deleteResponse = (DeleteResponse) itemResponse; System.out.println(deleteResponse.status().name()); } } String[] includes = Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY; String[] excludes = new String[] {"flag"}; // 包含/排除的字段 FetchSourceContext fetchSourceContext = new FetchSourceContext(true, includes, excludes); MultiGetRequest multiGetRequest = new MultiGetRequest() .add(new MultiGetRequest.Item("twitter", "t_doc", "29").fetchSourceContext(fetchSourceContext)) .add(new MultiGetRequest.Item("twitter", "t_doc", "28").fetchSourceContext(fetchSourceContext)) .add(new MultiGetRequest.Item("twitter", "t_doc", "27").fetchSourceContext(fetchSourceContext)); MultiGetResponse response = client.mget(multiGetRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); MultiGetItemResponse[] itemResponses = response.getResponses(); for(MultiGetItemResponse r : itemResponses){ System.out.println(r.getResponse().getSourceAsString()); } return client; }
Status:OK,hasFailures:falseOKCREATEDOK{ "field":"bar","color":"blue","size":"200"}null{ "field":"foo","color":"red","size":"100","user":"bar"}
/** * BulkProcessor通过提供一个实用程序类来简化Bulk API的使用,它允许索引/更新/删除操作在添加到处理器时透明地执行。 * 为了执行请求,BulkProcessor需要以下组件: * RestHighLevelClient * 此客户端用于执行BulkRequest和检索BulkResponse * BulkProcessor.Listener * 在每个BulkRequest执行之前和之后,或者在BulkRequest失败时,都会调用这个侦听器 * BulkProcessor.builder方法可用于构建新的BulkProcessor: * @return */ public static RestHighLevelClient bulkProcessor() throws InterruptedException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); BulkProcessor.Listener listener = new BulkProcessor.Listener() { @Override public void beforeBulk(long executionId, BulkRequest request) { int numberOfActions = request.numberOfActions(); System.out.println("请求数量:" + numberOfActions); } @Override public void afterBulk(long executionId, BulkRequest request, BulkResponse response) { if (response.hasFailures()) { System.out.println("Bulk Failures,ID:" + executionId + ",Status:" + response.status().name()); for (BulkItemResponse bulkItemResponse : response) { if (bulkItemResponse.isFailed()) { BulkItemResponse.Failure failure = bulkItemResponse.getFailure(); System.err.println(failure.getCause().getMessage()); } } } else { System.out.println("Bulk "+ executionId +" Complete in" + response.getTook().getMillis() + "s"); } } @Override public void afterBulk(long executionId, BulkRequest request, Throwable failure) { System.out.println("Failed to execute bulk:" + failure); } }; BiConsumer> bulkConsumer = (request, bulkListener) -> client.bulkAsync(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT, bulkListener); BulkProcessor bulkProcessor = BulkProcessor.builder(bulkConsumer, listener) .setBulkActions(500) // 请求(Index,Update,Delete)的数量达到500,就刷新一次bulk request【默认1000】// .setBulkSize(new ByteSizeValue(1L, ByteSizeUnit.MB)) // 累计请求所占的空间达到1M,就刷新一次bulk request【默认5M】 .setConcurrentRequests(0) // 设置允许执行的并发请求数量(默认为1,使用0只允许执行单个请求)// .setFlushInterval(TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(10L)) // 每隔一段时间刷新一次【默认未设置】 .setBackoffPolicy(BackoffPolicy .constantBackoff(TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(1L), 3))// 设置一个初始等待1秒并重试3次的Backoff策略 .build(); for(int i = 1; i <= 2000; i++){ bulkProcessor.add(new IndexRequest("books", "java", ""+i) .source(XContentType.JSON,"title","title_"+i,"user","user_"+i)); } bulkProcessor.flush(); Thread.sleep(2000); bulkProcessor.close(); return client; }
请求数量:500十二月 25, 2018 11:24:06 上午 org.elasticsearch.client.RestClient logResponse警告: request [POST http://localhost:9200/_bulk?timeout=1m] returned 1 warnings: [299 Elasticsearch-6.5.0-816e6f6 "the default number of shards will change from [5] to [1] in 7.0.0; if you wish to continue using the default of [5] shards, you must manage this on the create index request or with an index template" "Tue, 25 Dec 2018 03:24:04 GMT"]Bulk 1 Complete in2044s请求数量:500Bulk 2 Complete in333s请求数量:500Bulk 3 Complete in235s请求数量:500Bulk 4 Complete in244s
GET books/_search结果:{ "took" : 18, "timed_out" : false, "_shards" : { "total" : 5, "successful" : 5, "skipped" : 0, "failed" : 0 }, "hits" : { "total" : 2000, "max_score" : 1.0, "hits" : [ { "_index" : "books", "_type" : "java", "_id" : "14", "_score" : 1.0, "_source" : { "title" : "title_14", "user" : "user_14" } }, .... ] }}
9. Multi-Get API
GET /_mget{ "docs" : [ { "_index" : "books", "_type" : "java", "_id" : "1" }, { "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "1" } ]}结果:{ "docs" : [ { "_index" : "books", "_type" : "java", "_id" : "1", "_version" : 1, "found" : true, "_source" : { "title" : "title_1", "user" : "user_1" } }, { "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "1", "_version" : 13, "found" : true, "_source" : { "msg" : "達に携帯で連絡取ろうと思ったら 電池が切れてて動かない", "flag" : "1", "user" : "new_name" } } ]}
GET /twitter/t_doc/_mget{ "docs" : [ { "_id" : "1" }, { "_id" : "2" } ]}GET /twitter/t_doc/_mget{ "ids" : ["1", "2"]}# 两个方式效果一样结果:{ "docs" : [ { "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "1", "_version" : 13, "found" : true, "_source" : { "msg" : "達に携帯で連絡取ろうと思ったら 電池が切れてて動かない", "flag" : "1", "user" : "new_name" } }, { "_index" : "twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "2", "_version" : 5, "found" : true, "_source" : { "counter" : 5, "user" : "new_user" } } ]}
10. Reindex API
# 复制源索引twitter到目标索引new_twitterPOST _reindex{ "source": { "index": "twitter" }, "dest": { "index": "new_twitter" }}结果:{ "took" : 1626, "timed_out" : false, "total" : 16, "updated" : 0, "created" : 16, "deleted" : 0, "batches" : 1, "version_conflicts" : 0, "noops" : 0, "retries" : { "bulk" : 0, "search" : 0 }, "throttled_millis" : 0, "requests_per_second" : -1.0, "throttled_until_millis" : 0, "failures" : [ ]}# 查询GET /new_twitter/_search结果:{ "took" : 9, "timed_out" : false, "_shards" : { "total" : 5, "successful" : 5, "skipped" : 0, "failed" : 0 }, "hits" : { "total" : 16, "max_score" : 1.0, "hits" : [ { "_index" : "new_twitter", "_type" : "t_doc", "_id" : "22", "_score" : 1.0, "_source" : { "user" : "Tony", "flag" : "1" } }, ... ] }}
POST _reindex{ "conflicts": "proceed", "source": { "index": "twitter" }, "dest": { "index": "new_twitter", "op_type": "create" }}
POST _reindex{ "source": { "index": "twitter", "type": "t_doc", "query": { "term": { "user": "kimchy" } } }, "dest": { "index": "new_twitter" }}
#合并两个索引,跳过冲突【conflicts】,只转移10000条数据【size】POST _reindex{ "conflicts": "proceed", "size": 10000, "source": { "index": ["twitter", "new_twitter"], "type": ["t_doc", "post"] }, "dest": { "index": "all_together", "type": "all_doc" }}
/** * reIndex可用于将文档从一个或多个索引复制到目标索引 * DocWriteRequest.OpType.CREATE 跳过已有的文档 * DocWriteRequest.OpType.INDEX 已有相同id的会被覆盖 * @return */ public static RestHighLevelClient reIndex() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); ReindexRequest reindexRequest = new ReindexRequest() .setSourceIndices("twitter","new_twitter") .setDestIndex("all_together") .setDestOpType(DocWriteRequest.OpType.INDEX.getLowercase()) .setDestDocType("all_doc")// .setSize(10) // copy的文档数// .setScript(new Script(ScriptType.INLINE, "painless",// "if (ctx._source.user == 'kimchy') {ctx._source.likes++;}",// Collections.emptyMap())) // 脚本 .setSourceBatchSize(500); // 默认批量为1000,你可以自己设置批次获取的数量 reindexRequest.setConflicts("proceed"); // 默认情况下,版本冲突会中止_reindex进程(abort) BulkByScrollResponse bulkResponse = client.reindex(reindexRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); TimeValue timeTaken = bulkResponse.getTook(); boolean timedOut = bulkResponse.isTimedOut(); long totalDocs = bulkResponse.getTotal(); long updatedDocs = bulkResponse.getUpdated(); long createdDocs = bulkResponse.getCreated(); long deletedDocs = bulkResponse.getDeleted(); long batches = bulkResponse.getBatches(); long noops = bulkResponse.getNoops(); // 跳过的文档数 long versionConflicts = bulkResponse.getVersionConflicts(); // 版本冲突的数量 long bulkRetries = bulkResponse.getBulkRetries(); // bulk重试次数 long searchRetries = bulkResponse.getSearchRetries(); // 搜索重试次数 System.out.println("花费时间:" + timeTaken + ",是否超时:" + timedOut + ",总文档数:" + totalDocs + ",更新数:" + updatedDocs + ",创建数:" + createdDocs + ",删除数:" + deletedDocs + ",批量次数:" + batches + ",跳过数:" + noops + ",冲突数:" + versionConflicts + ",bulk重试次数:" + bulkRetries + ",搜索重试次数:" + searchRetries); ListsearchFailures = bulkResponse.getSearchFailures(); // 搜索期间的故障 searchFailures.forEach(e -> { System.err.println("Cause:" + e.getReason().getMessage() + "Index:" + e.getIndex() + ",NodeId:" + e.getNodeId() + ",ShardId:" + e.getShardId()); }); List bulkFailures = bulkResponse.getBulkFailures(); // 批量索引期间的故障 bulkFailures.forEach(e -> { System.err.println("Cause:" + e.getCause().getMessage() + "Index:" + e.getIndex() + ",Type:" + e.getType() + ",Id:" + e.getId()); }); return client; }
因为这两个索引内容一样,所以会出现 更新数:16,创建数:16
GET /all_together/_search结果:{ "took" : 4, "timed_out" : false, "_shards" : { "total" : 5, "successful" : 5, "skipped" : 0, "failed" : 0 }, "hits" : { "total" : 16, "max_score" : 1.0, "hits" : [ { "_index" : "all_together", "_type" : "all_doc", "_id" : "22", "_score" : 1.0, "_source" : { "user" : "Tony", "flag" : "1" } }, ... ] }}
11. Query
RequestBodySearch 示例
# sort--mode:min、max、sum、avg、median# sort--order:asc、desc# 过滤_source:如果要禁用,"_source": false# Doc格式化:https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-request-docvalue-fields.html# 高亮参数:写在外面是全局的,写在field里面是局部的GET /_search{ "query" : { "term" : { "user" : "Tony" } }, "_source": [ "obj1.*", "obj2.*" ], "from" : 0, "size" : 10, "sort" : [ { "price" : {"order" : "asc", "mode" : "avg"}} ], "script_fields" : { "my_field1" : { "script" : { "lang": "painless", "source": "doc['flag'].value * params.factor", "params" : { "factor" : 2.0 } } } }, "docvalue_fields" : [ { "field": "postDate", "format": "yyyy-MM-dd" } ], "highlight" : { "order" : "score", "pre_tags" : [""], "post_tags" : [" "], "fields" : { "_all" : { }, "message" : { "fragment_size" : 150, "number_of_fragments" : 3} } }}
**Match 与 Match Phrase【这里使用了ik分词器】
# 准备测试数据PUT test{ "settings" : { "number_of_shards" : 1, "number_of_replicas" : 1 }, "mappings" : { "msg" : { "properties" : { "message" : { "type" : "text","analyzer": "ik_max_word" } } } }}PUT test/msg/100{ "message" : "她过山车一般的跌宕人生,成了 2018 年我听过的最精彩、也最让人感叹唏嘘的真人真事。"}PUT test/msg/101{ "message" : "她就是我们今天的主人公,伊丽莎白·福尔摩斯(Elizabeth Holmes)。"}# match queryGET /_search{ "query": { "match" : { "message" : { "query" : "今天的主人公", "analyzer" : "ik_max_word" } } }}# Match Phrase Query 短语查询GET /_search{ "query": { "match_phrase" : { "message" : { "query" : "今天的主人公", "analyzer" : "ik_max_word" } } }}
执行match phrase的结果
POST _analyze{ "analyzer": "ik_max_word", "text": "今天的主人公"}---{ "tokens" : [ { "token" : "今天", "start_offset" : 0, "end_offset" : 2, "type" : "CN_WORD", "position" : 0 }, { "token" : "的", "start_offset" : 2, "end_offset" : 3, "type" : "CN_CHAR", "position" : 1 }, { "token" : "主人公", "start_offset" : 3, "end_offset" : 6, "type" : "CN_WORD", "position" : 2 }, { "token" : "主人", "start_offset" : 3, "end_offset" : 5, "type" : "CN_WORD", "position" : 3 }, { "token" : "公", "start_offset" : 5, "end_offset" : 6, "type" : "CN_CHAR", "position" : 4 } ]}
**Match Phrase Prefix Query,短语前缀查询,顾名思义:以查询关键字为前缀的查询
# Match Phrase Prefix Query 短语前缀查询GET /_search{ "query": { "match_phrase_prefix" : { "message" : { "query" : "她就是", "analyzer" : "ik_max_word" } } }}---{ "took" : 9, "timed_out" : false, "_shards" : { "total" : 28, "successful" : 28, "skipped" : 0, "failed" : 0 }, "hits" : { "total" : 1, "max_score" : 3.2103658, "hits" : [ { "_index" : "test", "_type" : "msg", "_id" : "101", "_score" : 3.2103658, "_source" : { "message" : "她就是我们今天的主人公,伊丽莎白·福尔摩斯(Elizabeth Holmes)。" } } ] }}
**Query String Query
# 字符串查询 如果多个字段:"fields" : ["content", "name"] 代替default_fieldGET /_search{ "query": { "query_string" : { "default_field" : "message", "query" : "(过山车) OR (伊丽莎白)" } }}---{ "took" : 5, "timed_out" : false, "_shards" : { "total" : 28, "successful" : 28, "skipped" : 0, "failed" : 0 }, "hits" : { "total" : 2, "max_score" : 0.80259144, "hits" : [ { "_index" : "test", "_type" : "msg", "_id" : "101", "_score" : 0.80259144, "_source" : { "message" : "她就是我们今天的主人公,伊丽莎白·福尔摩斯(Elizabeth Holmes)。" } }, { "_index" : "test", "_type" : "msg", "_id" : "100", "_score" : 0.6099695, "_source" : { "message" : "她过山车一般的跌宕人生,成了 2018 年我听过的最精彩、也最让人感叹唏嘘的真人真事。" } } ] }}
# Term Query 适合关键字的查询,字段类型为keywordGET /_search{ "query": { "term": { "exact_value": "Quick Foxes!" } }}
**Terms Query
# Terms Query 对同一个字段匹配多个关键字GET /_search{ "query": { "terms" : { "user" : ["kimchy", "elasticsearch"]} }}
**Range Query
# Range Query 范围查询【gt:大于,gte:大于等于,lt:小于,lte:小于等于】GET _search{ "query": { "range" : { "age" : { "gte" : 10, "lte" : 20, "boost" : 2.0 } } }}# Range Query 日期【y-年,M-月,w-周,d-日,h-小时,H-小时,m-分钟,s-秒。+1h:+1小时,-1d:-1天,/d:四舍五入到最近的日期,now:当前时间】比如:now = 2018-12-23 17:17:00 now/d = 2018-12-24 00:00:00GET _search{ "query": { "range" : { "date" : { "gte" : "now-1d/d", "lt" : "now/d" } } }}GET _search{ "query": { "range" : { "birthday" : { "gte": "01/01/2012", "lte": "2013", "format": "dd/MM/yyyy||yyyy" } } }}
**Exists Query
# Exist Query 返回在原始字段 message 中至少有一个非空值的文档GET /_search{ "query": { "exists" : { "field" : "message" } }}
**Prefix Query
# Prefix Query 前缀查询GET /_search{ "query": { "prefix" : { "user" : "ki" } }}
**Wildcard Query
# Wildcard Query 不建议以通配符开头,因为那样性能最低GET /_search{ "query": { "wildcard" : { "user" : "ki*y" } }}
**Regexp Query
# Regexp Query 正则查询,你可以使用任何正则表达式,同样不建议以通配符开头GET /_search{ "query": { "regexp":{ "name.first": "s.*y" } }}
**Fuzzy Query
# Fuzzy Query 模糊查询【与SQL的模糊查询不一样,更多信息请自行查阅资料】GET /_search{ "query": { "fuzzy" : { "user" : "ki" } }}
**Type Query
# Type Query 查询type下的所有文档GET /_search{ "query": { "type" : { "value" : "t_doc" } }}
**Ids Query
# Ids Query 根据id列表查询GET /_search{ "query": { "ids" : { "type" : "t_doc", "values" : ["1", "4", "100"] } }}
# bool查询【它有must、filter、should、must_not四个可选条件】POST _search{ "query": { "bool" : { "must" : { "term" : { "user" : "kimchy" } }, "filter": { "term" : { "tag" : "tech" } }, "must_not" : { "range" : { "age" : { "gte" : 10, "lte" : 20 } } }, "should" : [ { "term" : { "tag" : "wow" } }, { "term" : { "tag" : "elasticsearch" } } ], "minimum_should_match" : 1, "boost" : 1.0 } }}
下面是地理查询, 参见 19.2 geo_bounding_box查询 地图选点:
# 地理边界查询GET /china_index/_search{ "query": { "bool" : { "must" : { "match_all" : { } }, "filter" : { "geo_bounding_box" : { "location" : { "top_left" : "23.1706638271,113.0383300781", "bottom_right" : "22.9760953044,113.5025024414" } } } } }}
# 地理半径查询GET /china_index/_search{ "query": { "bool" : { "must" : { "match_all" : { } }, "filter" : { "geo_distance" : { "distance" : "20km", "location" : { "lat" : 39.6733703918, "lon" : 116.4111328125 } } } } }}---{ "took" : 6, "timed_out" : false, "_shards" : { "total" : 1, "successful" : 1, "skipped" : 0, "failed" : 0 }, "hits" : { "total" : 1, "max_score" : 1.0, "hits" : [ { "_index" : "china_index", "_type" : "city", "_id" : "150", "_score" : 1.0, "_source" : { "pName" : "北京市", "cName" : "大兴区", "location" : { "lat" : 39.72684, "lon" : 116.34159 } } } ] }}
# 地理多边形查询GET /china_index/_search{ "query": { "bool" : { "must" : { "match_all" : { } }, "filter" : { "geo_polygon" : { "location" : { "points" : [ "20.4270128143,110.2807617188", "19.6632802200,109.7094726563", "19.6839702359,110.8520507813" ] } } } } }}---{ "took" : 39, "timed_out" : false, "_shards" : { "total" : 1, "successful" : 1, "skipped" : 0, "failed" : 0 }, "hits" : { "total" : 4, "max_score" : 1.0, "hits" : [ { "_index" : "china_index", "_type" : "city", "_id" : "1555", "_score" : 1.0, "_source" : { "pName" : "海南省", "cName" : "海口", "location" : { "lat" : 20.02, "lon" : 110.35 } } }, { "_index" : "china_index", "_type" : "city", "_id" : "1556", "_score" : 1.0, "_source" : { "pName" : "海南省", "cName" : "琼山", "location" : { "lat" : 19.98, "lon" : 110.33 } } }, { "_index" : "china_index", "_type" : "city", "_id" : "1558", "_score" : 1.0, "_source" : { "pName" : "海南省", "cName" : "定安", "location" : { "lat" : 19.68, "lon" : 110.31 } } }, { "_index" : "china_index", "_type" : "city", "_id" : "1562", "_score" : 1.0, "_source" : { "pName" : "海南省", "cName" : "澄迈", "location" : { "lat" : 19.75, "lon" : 110.0 } } } ] }}
**地理形状查询 geo_shape【这个资料比较少,所以我重点研究了一下】
# 存储地理形状的索引# tree参数:geohash和quadtree,默认geohash# strategy参数:recursive和term,默认recursive【支持查询:INTERSECTS,DISJOINT,WITHIN,CONTAINS】# precision参数:精度,单位有in, inch, yd, yard, mi, miles, km, kilometers, m,meters, cm,centimeters, mm, millimeters# 形状类型解释 | GeoJSON Type | WKT Type | Elasticsearch Type# 单个地理坐标 Point POINT point# 给出两个或多个点的任意一条线 LineString LINESTRING linestring# 闭合的多边形,第一个和最后一个点必须匹配 Polygon POLYGON polygon# 一系列未连接但可能相关的点 MultiPoint MULTIPOINT multipoint# 一系列独立的线 MultiLineString MULTILINESTRING multilinestring# 一系列单独的多边形 MultiPolygon MULTIPOLYGON multipolygon# 类似于multi系列,但是多种类型不可以共存 GeometryCollection GEOMETRYCOLLECTION geometrycollection# 仅指定左上角和右下角的矩形 无 BBOX envelope# 指定中心和半径的圆,默认单位是米 无 无 circlePUT china_shape_index{ "settings" : { "number_of_shards" : 1, "number_of_replicas" : 1 }, "mappings" : { "info" : { "properties" : { "remark" : { "type" : "keyword" }, "location" : { "type" : "geo_shape", "tree" : "geohash", "precision": "100m" } } } }}
# 注意,如果是数组[经度,纬度]# 添加一个点POST /china_shape_index/info{ "location" : { "type" : "point", "coordinates" : [109.1162109375,37.2653099556] }}# 添加一条线POST /china_shape_index/info{ "location" : { "type" : "linestring", "coordinates" : [[109.1162109375,37.2653099556], [117.6855468750,35.5322262277]] }}# 添加一个形状【我画了个三角形】POST /china_shape_index/info{ "location" : { "type" : "polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [114.0380859375, 31.9148675033], [116.6748046875, 30.0690939644], [111.4453125000,29.7643773752], [114.0380859375, 31.9148675033] ] ] }}# 多个坐标POST /china_shape_index/info{ "location" : { "type" : "multipoint", "coordinates" : [ [111.4453125000,29.7643773752], [117.6855468750,35.5322262277] ] }}# 由leftTop和bottomRight围成的矩形POST /china_shape_index/info{ "location" : { "type" : "envelope", "coordinates" : [ [120.2783203125,25.2049411536], [122.2119140625,23.4430889311] ] }}# 圆形POST /china_shape_index/info{ "location" : { "type" : "circle", "coordinates" : [116.5429687500,39.7071866568], "radius" : "10km" }}
# 查询相交的形状。relation可选:intersects, disjoint, within, contains【相交,不相交,内部,包含】GET /china_shape_index/_search{ "query":{ "bool": { "must": { "match_all": { } }, "filter": { "geo_shape": { "location": { "shape": { "type": "envelope", "coordinates" : [[114.9169921875,40.5137991550], [118.6083984375,38.7883453551]] }, "relation": "intersects" } } } } }}---{ "took" : 1, "timed_out" : false, "_shards" : { "total" : 1, "successful" : 1, "skipped" : 0, "failed" : 0 }, "hits" : { "total" : 1, "max_score" : 1.0, "hits" : [ { "_index" : "china_shape_index", "_type" : "info", "_id" : "FbvH82cBOwlg01SCD5ab", "_score" : 1.0, "_source" : { "location" : { "type" : "circle", "coordinates" : [ 116.54296875, 39.7071866568 ], "radius" : "10km" } } } ] }}
/** * matchQuery * 排序,高亮查询 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient search() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); try { SearchResponse search = client.search(new SearchRequest("test") .source(new SearchSourceBuilder() .query(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("message", "今天的主人公")) .sort("_score", SortOrder.DESC) // 根据分数倒序排序 .from(0) // 返回结果开始位置 .size(5) // 返回结果数量 .timeout(TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(10)) // 超时 .highlighter(new HighlightBuilder() .field("message",200) .preTags("").postTags("")) ), RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println("Hits:" + search.getHits().totalHits); search.getHits().forEach(e -> { System.out.println("分数:" + e.getScore() + ",结果:" + e.getSourceAsString()); MaphighlightFields = e.getHighlightFields(); for (String key : highlightFields.keySet()){ HighlightField field = highlightFields.get(key); System.out.println(key + ":" + field.fragments()[0]/* + "," + field.fragments().length*/); } }); } catch (ElasticsearchException e) { if(e.status() == RestStatus.NOT_FOUND){ // TODO System.out.println("Index Not Found-" + e.getIndex()); } } return client; }
Hits:2分数:3.421475,结果:{ "message":"她就是我们今天的主人公,伊丽莎白·福尔摩斯(Elizabeth Holmes)。"}message:她就是我们今天的主人公,伊丽莎白·福尔摩斯(Elizabeth Holmes)。分数:0.26740497,结果:{ "message":"她过山车一般的跌宕人生,成了 2018 年我听过的最精彩、也最让人感叹唏嘘的真人真事。"}message:她过山车一般的跌宕人生,成了 2018 年我听过的最精彩、也最让人感叹唏嘘的真人真事。
/** * matchPhraseQuery * 排序,高亮查询 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient search() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); try { SearchResponse search = client.search(new SearchRequest("test") .source(new SearchSourceBuilder() .query(QueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("message", "今天的主人公")) .sort("_score", SortOrder.DESC) // 根据分数倒序排序 .from(0) // 返回结果开始位置 .size(5) // 返回结果数量 .timeout(TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(10)) // 超时 .highlighter(new HighlightBuilder() .field("message",200) .preTags("").postTags("")) ), RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println("Hits:" + search.getHits().totalHits); search.getHits().forEach(e -> { System.out.println("分数:" + e.getScore() + ",结果:" + e.getSourceAsString()); MaphighlightFields = e.getHighlightFields(); for (String key : highlightFields.keySet()){ HighlightField field = highlightFields.get(key); System.out.println(key + ":" + field.fragments()[0]/* + "," + field.fragments().length*/); } }); } catch (ElasticsearchException e) { if(e.status() == RestStatus.NOT_FOUND){ // TODO System.out.println("Index Not Found-" + e.getIndex()); } } return client; }
Hits:1分数:3.421475,结果:{ "message":"她就是我们今天的主人公,伊丽莎白·福尔摩斯(Elizabeth Holmes)。"}message:她就是我们今天的主人公,伊丽莎白·福尔摩斯(Elizabeth Holmes)。
/** * queryStringQuery * 排序,高亮查询 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient search() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); try { SearchResponse search = client.search(new SearchRequest("test") .source(new SearchSourceBuilder() .query(QueryBuilders.queryStringQuery("今天的主人公").field("message")) .sort("_score", SortOrder.DESC) // 根据分数倒序排序 .from(0) // 返回结果开始位置 .size(5) // 返回结果数量 .timeout(TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(10)) // 超时 .highlighter(new HighlightBuilder() .field("message",200) .preTags("").postTags("")) ), RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println("Hits:" + search.getHits().totalHits); search.getHits().forEach(e -> { System.out.println("分数:" + e.getScore() + ",结果:" + e.getSourceAsString()); MaphighlightFields = e.getHighlightFields(); for (String key : highlightFields.keySet()){ HighlightField field = highlightFields.get(key); System.out.println(key + ":" + field.fragments()[0]/* + "," + field.fragments().length*/); } }); } catch (ElasticsearchException e) { if(e.status() == RestStatus.NOT_FOUND){ // TODO System.out.println("Index Not Found-" + e.getIndex()); } } return client; }
Hits:2分数:3.421475,结果:{ "message":"她就是我们今天的主人公,伊丽莎白·福尔摩斯(Elizabeth Holmes)。"}message:她就是我们今天的主人公,伊丽莎白·福尔摩斯(Elizabeth Holmes)。分数:0.26740497,结果:{ "message":"她过山车一般的跌宕人生,成了 2018 年我听过的最精彩、也最让人感叹唏嘘的真人真事。"}message:她过山车一般的跌宕人生,成了 2018 年我听过的最精彩、也最让人感叹唏嘘的真人真事。
# 准备测试数据PUT users{ "settings" : { "number_of_shards" : 1, "number_of_replicas" : 1 }, "mappings" : { "info" : { "properties" : { "username" : { "type" : "keyword" }, "address" : { "type" : "text","analyzer": "ik_max_word" } } } }}PUT users/info/1{ "username" : "孙行者","address" : "软件产业基地1栋B座大堂","age": 15}PUT users/info/2{ "username" : "孙大圣","address" : "万达北路710号戈雅公寓105号商铺","age": 26}PUT users/info/3{ "username" : "西蒙·胡塞·德·拉·桑迪西玛·特里尼达·玻利瓦尔·帕拉修斯·伊·布兰科","address" : "滨河大道7009号","age": 7}PUT users/info/4{ "username" : "奥斯特洛夫斯基","address" : "光谷二路225号食堂","age": 30}PUT users/info/5{ "username" : "Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb1111b","address" : "海淀紫竹院路甲2号商业05号","age": 18}# 查看GET /users/_search
/** * termQuery * rangeQuery * prefixQuery * wildcardQuery * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient termSearch() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); SearchRequest request = new SearchRequest("users"); String[] includeFields = new String[] {"username", "age"}; String[] excludeFields = new String[] {"addr*"}; request.source(new SearchSourceBuilder() // 关键字查询 //.query(QueryBuilders.termsQuery("username", "奥斯特洛夫斯基")) // 范围查询 //.query(QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("age").lt(20)) // 前缀查询 //.query(QueryBuilders.prefixQuery("username", "孙")) // 通配符查询 .query(QueryBuilders.wildcardQuery("username", "西蒙*")) .fetchSource(includeFields, excludeFields) // 过滤源 .from(0) .size(5) .sort("age", SortOrder.ASC) ); SearchResponse search = client.search(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println("Hits:" + search.getHits().totalHits); search.getHits().forEach(e -> { System.out.println(e.getSourceAsString()); }); return client; }
Hits:1{ "age":7,"username":"西蒙·胡塞·德·拉·桑迪西玛·特里尼达·玻利瓦尔·帕拉修斯·伊·布兰科"}
下面测试聚合查询 Aggregation
/** * 聚合查询 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient aggSearch() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); SearchRequest request = new SearchRequest("users"); request.source(new SearchSourceBuilder() .query(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery()) .aggregation(AggregationBuilders.avg("ageAVG").field("age")) .from(0) .size(5) .sort("age", SortOrder.ASC) ); SearchResponse search = client.search(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println("Hits:" + search.getHits().totalHits); search.getHits().forEach(e -> { System.out.println(e.getSourceAsString()); }); Avg avg = search.getAggregations().get("ageAVG"); System.out.println("平均值:" + avg.getValue()); return client; }
Hits:5{ "username":"西蒙·胡塞·德·拉·桑迪西玛·特里尼达·玻利瓦尔·帕拉修斯·伊·布兰科","address":"滨河大道7009号","age":7}{ "username":"孙行者","address":"软件产业基地1栋B座大堂","age":15}{ "username":"Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb1111b","address":"海淀紫竹院路甲2号商业05号","age":18}{ "username":"孙大圣","address":"万达北路710号戈雅公寓105号商铺","age":26}{ "username":"奥斯特洛夫斯基","address":"光谷二路225号食堂","age":30}平均值:19.2
下面测试复合查询 bool
/** * 复合查询 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient boolSearch() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); SearchRequest request = new SearchRequest("users"); request.source(new SearchSourceBuilder() .query(QueryBuilders.boolQuery() .must(QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("age").gt(20)) .mustNot(QueryBuilders.termQuery("username","孙大圣")) ) .from(0) .size(5) .sort("age", SortOrder.ASC) ); SearchResponse search = client.search(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println("Hits:" + search.getHits().totalHits); search.getHits().forEach(e -> { System.out.println(e.getSourceAsString()); }); return client; }
Hits:1{ "username":"奥斯特洛夫斯基","address":"光谷二路225号食堂","age":30}
public static RestHighLevelClient geoSearch() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); SearchRequest request = new SearchRequest("china_index"); request.source(new SearchSourceBuilder() // 地理边界查询,设置字段名,top Left和bottom Right .query(QueryBuilders.geoBoundingBoxQuery("location").setCorners(23.1706638271,113.0383300781,22.9760953044,113.5025024414)) .from(0) .size(100) ); SearchResponse search = client.search(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println("Hits:" + search.getHits().totalHits); search.getHits().forEach(e -> { System.out.println(e.getSourceAsString()); }); return client; }
Hits:9{ "pName":"广东省","cName":"广州","location":{"lat":23.12908,"lon":113.26436}}{ "pName":"广东省","cName":"越秀","location":{"lat":23.12901,"lon":113.2668}}{ "pName":"广东省","cName":"荔湾","location":{"lat":23.12586,"lon":113.24428}}{ "pName":"广东省","cName":"海珠","location":{"lat":23.08331,"lon":113.3172}}{ "pName":"广东省","cName":"天河","location":{"lat":23.12463,"lon":113.36199}}{ "pName":"广东省","cName":"白云","location":{"lat":23.157032,"lon":113.273238}}{ "pName":"广东省","cName":"佛山","location":{"lat":23.02185,"lon":113.12192}}{ "pName":"广东省","cName":"禅城","location":{"lat":23.00944,"lon":113.12249}}{ "pName":"广东省","cName":"南海","location":{"lat":23.02882,"lon":113.14278}}
public static RestHighLevelClient geoSearch() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); SearchRequest request = new SearchRequest("china_index"); Listlist = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(new GeoPoint(20.4270128143,110.2807617188)); list.add(new GeoPoint(19.6632802200,109.7094726563)); list.add(new GeoPoint(19.6839702359,110.8520507813)); request.source(new SearchSourceBuilder() // 地理半径查询,设置字段名,纬度,经度,距离,距离类型 .query(QueryBuilders.geoDistanceQuery("location").point(39.6733703918,116.4111328125).distance(50, DistanceUnit.KILOMETERS)) .from(0) .size(100) ); SearchResponse search = client.search(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println("Hits:" + search.getHits().totalHits); search.getHits().forEach(e -> { System.out.println(e.getSourceAsString()); }); return client; }
Hits:15{ "pName":"北京市","cName":"东城区","location":{"lat":39.92855,"lon":116.41637}}{ "pName":"北京市","cName":"西城区","location":{"lat":39.91231,"lon":116.36611}}{ "pName":"北京市","cName":"朝阳区","location":{"lat":39.927289,"lon":116.4498}}{ "pName":"北京市","cName":"丰台区","location":{"lat":39.85856,"lon":116.28616}}{ "pName":"北京市","cName":"石景山区","location":{"lat":39.90569,"lon":116.22299}}{ "pName":"北京市","cName":"海淀区","location":{"lat":39.95933,"lon":116.29845}}{ "pName":"北京市","cName":"通州区","location":{"lat":39.916195,"lon":116.662852}}{ "pName":"北京市","cName":"大兴区","location":{"lat":39.72684,"lon":116.34159}}{ "pName":"北京市","cName":"房山区","location":{"lat":39.74788,"lon":116.14294}}{ "pName":"北京市","cName":"门头沟区","location":{"lat":39.94048,"lon":116.10146}}{ "pName":"河北省","cName":"涿县","location":{"lat":39.48,"lon":115.98}}{ "pName":"河北省","cName":"廊坊","location":{"lat":39.53,"lon":116.7}}{ "pName":"河北省","cName":"安次","location":{"lat":39.52,"lon":116.69}}{ "pName":"河北省","cName":"固安","location":{"lat":39.44,"lon":116.29}}{ "pName":"河北省","cName":"永清","location":{"lat":39.32,"lon":116.48}}
public static RestHighLevelClient geoSearch() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); SearchRequest request = new SearchRequest("china_index"); Listlist = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(new GeoPoint(20.4270128143,110.2807617188)); list.add(new GeoPoint(19.6632802200,109.7094726563)); list.add(new GeoPoint(19.6839702359,110.8520507813)); request.source(new SearchSourceBuilder() // 地理形状查询,设置字段名,围成多边形状的坐标列表 .query(QueryBuilders.geoPolygonQuery("location", list)) .from(0) .size(100) ); SearchResponse search = client.search(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println("Hits:" + search.getHits().totalHits); search.getHits().forEach(e -> { System.out.println(e.getSourceAsString()); }); return client; }
Hits:4{ "pName":"海南省","cName":"海口","location":{"lat":20.02,"lon":110.35}}{ "pName":"海南省","cName":"琼山","location":{"lat":19.98,"lon":110.33}}{ "pName":"海南省","cName":"定安","location":{"lat":19.68,"lon":110.31}}{ "pName":"海南省","cName":"澄迈","location":{"lat":19.75,"lon":110.0}}
-- geo_shape查询
/** * 地理形状查询 * https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/geo-shape.html * 已知Builder实现:CircleBuilder, EnvelopeBuilder, GeometryCollectionBuilder, LineStringBuilder, MultiLineStringBuilder, MultiPointBuilder, MultiPolygonBuilder, PointBuilder, PolygonBuilder * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient geoShapeSearch() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); SearchRequest request = new SearchRequest("china_shape_index"); request.source(new SearchSourceBuilder() .query(QueryBuilders.geoShapeQuery("location", // 查询类型为envelope就用EnvelopeBuilder. topLeft,bottomRight. new Coordinate(经度,纬度) new EnvelopeBuilder(new Coordinate(114.9169921875,40.5137991550),new Coordinate(118.6083984375,38.7883453551))) .relation(ShapeRelation.INTERSECTS) ) // ShapeBuilders已经过时,不推荐使用了 //.query(QueryBuilders.geoShapeQuery("location",ShapeBuilders.newEnvelope(new Coordinate(114.9169921875,40.5137991550),new Coordinate(118.6083984375,38.7883453551)))) .from(0) .size(100) ); SearchResponse search = client.search(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println("Hits:" + search.getHits().totalHits); search.getHits().forEach(e -> { System.out.println(e.getSourceAsString()); }); return client; }
Hits:1{ "location":{"type":"circle","coordinates":[116.54296875,39.7071866568],"radius":"10km"}}
12. Search
**search scroll
/** * scrollSearch * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient scrollSearch() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); // 设置超时 final Scroll scroll = new Scroll(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(1L)); SearchRequest request = new SearchRequest("books"); request.source(new SearchSourceBuilder() .query(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery()) .sort("_id",SortOrder.ASC) .size(500)) // 每批大小 .scroll(scroll); // 设置scroll SearchResponse searchResponse = client.search(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); // 执行查询 String scrollId = searchResponse.getScrollId(); SearchHit[] hits = searchResponse.getHits().getHits(); while(hits != null && hits.length > 0) { System.out.println("========Begin======="); for (SearchHit hit : hits) { System.out.println(hit.getSourceAsString()); } System.out.println("========End======="); System.out.println("Size:" + hits.length + ",Scroll:" + scrollId); SearchScrollRequest scrollRequest = new SearchScrollRequest(scrollId) .scroll(scroll); // 设置SearchScrollRequest searchResponse = client.scroll(scrollRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); // 拉取新的数据 scrollId = searchResponse.getScrollId(); hits = searchResponse.getHits().getHits(); }; // 当scroll超时时,Search Scroll API使用的搜索上下文将自动删除 ClearScrollRequest clearScrollRequest = new ClearScrollRequest(); clearScrollRequest.addScrollId(scrollId); ClearScrollResponse clearScrollResponse = client.clearScroll(clearScrollRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); boolean succeeded = clearScrollResponse.isSucceeded(); System.out.println("ClearScroll:" + succeeded); return client; }
========Begin======={ "title":"title_1","user":"user_1"}{ "title":"title_10","user":"user_10"}{ "title":"title_100","user":"user_100"}{ "title":"title_1000","user":"user_1000"}...{ "title":"title_1448","user":"user_1448"}========End=======Size:500,Scroll:DnF1ZXJ5VGhlbkZldGNoBQAAAAAAAM7QFndDcjZVejBqVHZHYVRIaDVhY054S0EAAAAAAADOzxZ3Q3I2VXowalR2R2FUSGg1YWNOeEtBAAAAAAAAztEWd0NyNlV6MGpUdkdhVEhoNWFjTnhLQQAAAAAAAM7SFndDcjZVejBqVHZHYVRIaDVhY054S0EAAAAAAADO0xZ3Q3I2VXowalR2R2FUSGg1YWNOeEtB========Begin=======...{ "title":"title_1899","user":"user_1899"}========End=======Size:500,Scroll:DnF1ZXJ5VGhlbkZldGNoBQAAAAAAAM7QFndDcjZVejBqVHZHYVRIaDVhY054S0EAAAAAAADOzxZ3Q3I2VXowalR2R2FUSGg1YWNOeEtBAAAAAAAAztEWd0NyNlV6MGpUdkdhVEhoNWFjTnhLQQAAAAAAAM7SFndDcjZVejBqVHZHYVRIaDVhY054S0EAAAAAAADO0xZ3Q3I2VXowalR2R2FUSGg1YWNOeEtB========Begin======={ "title":"title_19","user":"user_19"}...{ "title":"title_548","user":"user_548"}========End=======Size:500,Scroll:DnF1ZXJ5VGhlbkZldGNoBQAAAAAAAM7QFndDcjZVejBqVHZHYVRIaDVhY054S0EAAAAAAADOzxZ3Q3I2VXowalR2R2FUSGg1YWNOeEtBAAAAAAAAztEWd0NyNlV6MGpUdkdhVEhoNWFjTnhLQQAAAAAAAM7SFndDcjZVejBqVHZHYVRIaDVhY054S0EAAAAAAADO0xZ3Q3I2VXowalR2R2FUSGg1YWNOeEtB========Begin======={ "title":"title_549","user":"user_549"}...{ "title":"title_6","user":"user_6"}{ "title":"title_60","user":"user_60"}{ "title":"title_600","user":"user_600"}...{ "title":"title_699","user":"user_699"}{ "title":"title_7","user":"user_7"}{ "title":"title_70","user":"user_70"}{ "title":"title_700","user":"user_700"}...{ "title":"title_799","user":"user_799"}{ "title":"title_8","user":"user_8"}{ "title":"title_80","user":"user_80"}{ "title":"title_800","user":"user_800"}...{ "title":"title_899","user":"user_899"}{ "title":"title_9","user":"user_9"}{ "title":"title_90","user":"user_90"}{ "title":"title_900","user":"user_900"}...{ "title":"title_999","user":"user_999"}========End=======Size:500,Scroll:DnF1ZXJ5VGhlbkZldGNoBQAAAAAAAM7QFndDcjZVejBqVHZHYVRIaDVhY054S0EAAAAAAADOzxZ3Q3I2VXowalR2R2FUSGg1YWNOeEtBAAAAAAAAztEWd0NyNlV6MGpUdkdhVEhoNWFjTnhLQQAAAAAAAM7SFndDcjZVejBqVHZHYVRIaDVhY054S0EAAAAAAADO0xZ3Q3I2VXowalR2R2FUSGg1YWNOeEtBClearScroll:true
# 格式:一行header一行bodyGET users/_msearch{}{ "query": {"terms" : { "username" : ["孙行者", "孙大圣"]}}}{}{ "query": {"term" : { "username" : "Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb1111b"}}}---{ "responses" : [ { "took" : 0, "timed_out" : false, "_shards" : { "total" : 1, "successful" : 1, "skipped" : 0, "failed" : 0 }, "hits" : { "total" : 2, "max_score" : 1.0, "hits" : [ { "_index" : "users", "_type" : "info", "_id" : "1", "_score" : 1.0, "_source" : { "username" : "孙行者", "address" : "软件产业基地1栋B座大堂", "age" : 15 } }, { "_index" : "users", "_type" : "info", "_id" : "2", "_score" : 1.0, "_source" : { "username" : "孙大圣", "address" : "万达北路710号戈雅公寓105号商铺", "age" : 26 } } ] }, "status" : 200 }, { "took" : 0, "timed_out" : false, "_shards" : { "total" : 1, "successful" : 1, "skipped" : 0, "failed" : 0 }, "hits" : { "total" : 1, "max_score" : 1.3862944, "hits" : [ { "_index" : "users", "_type" : "info", "_id" : "5", "_score" : 1.3862944, "_source" : { "username" : "Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb1111b", "address" : "海淀紫竹院路甲2号商业05号", "age" : 18 } } ] }, "status" : 200 } ]}
public static RestHighLevelClient multiSearch() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); MultiSearchRequest request = new MultiSearchRequest(); // 第一个查询 SearchRequest firstSearchRequest = new SearchRequest("users"); firstSearchRequest.source(new SearchSourceBuilder().query(QueryBuilders.termsQuery("username","孙大圣"))); request.add(firstSearchRequest); // 第二个查询 SearchRequest secondSearchRequest = new SearchRequest("users"); secondSearchRequest.source(new SearchSourceBuilder().query(QueryBuilders.prefixQuery("username", "Brfxx"))); request.add(secondSearchRequest); MultiSearchResponse msearch = client.msearch(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); MultiSearchResponse.Item[] responses = msearch.getResponses(); for (MultiSearchResponse.Item i : responses){ System.out.println("========" + i.getResponse().status().name()); i.getResponse().getHits().forEach(e -> { System.out.println(e.getSourceAsString()); }); } return client; }
========OK{ "username":"孙大圣","address":"万达北路710号戈雅公寓105号商铺","age":26}========OK{ "username":"Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb1111b","address":"海淀紫竹院路甲2号商业05号","age":18}
13. Cluster
GET _cluster/health---{ "cluster_name" : "my-elasticsearch", "status" : "yellow", "timed_out" : false, "number_of_nodes" : 1, "number_of_data_nodes" : 1, "active_primary_shards" : 15, "active_shards" : 15, "relocating_shards" : 0, "initializing_shards" : 0, "unassigned_shards" : 14, "delayed_unassigned_shards" : 0, "number_of_pending_tasks" : 0, "number_of_in_flight_fetch" : 0, "task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis" : 0, "active_shards_percent_as_number" : 51.724137931034484}
GET /_cluster/state---{ "cluster_name" : "my-elasticsearch", "compressed_size_in_bytes" : 14766, "cluster_uuid" : "QmDZ773JR_ip0AN6jEdWtA", "version" : 33, "state_uuid" : "l8WJu9BzTfGsIKba_gsodA", "master_node" : "wCr6Uz0jTvGaTHh5acNxKA", "blocks" : { }, "nodes" : { "wCr6Uz0jTvGaTHh5acNxKA" : { "name" : "wCr6Uz0", "ephemeral_id" : "qFZoP0iWQDm3EWM3TDb_vg", "transport_address" : "", "attributes" : { "ml.machine_memory" : "8510087168", "xpack.installed" : "true", "ml.max_open_jobs" : "20", "ml.enabled" : "true" } } },...}
GET /_cluster/stats?human&prettyGET /_cluster/settings# 设置集群settings# 1. transient cluster settings# 2. persistent cluster settings# 3. settings in the elasticsearch.yml configuration file.PUT /_cluster/settings{ "persistent" : { "indices.recovery.max_bytes_per_sec" : "50mb" }}# explain索引【三个参数必须的】GET /_cluster/allocation/explain{ "index": "china_index", "shard": 0, "primary": true}# 节点统计数据GET /_nodes/statsGET /_nodes/nodeId1,nodeId2/stats# return just indicesGET /_nodes/stats/indices# return just os and processGET /_nodes/stats/os,process# return just process for node with IP address /_nodes/ 每个节点的实用信息GET _nodes/usageGET _nodes/nodeId1,nodeId2/usage
/** * 集群信息 * @return */ public static RestHighLevelClient info() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); boolean ping = client.ping(RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println("Ping:" + ping); MainResponse info = client.info(RequestOptions.DEFAULT); ClusterName clusterName = info.getClusterName(); String clusterUuid = info.getClusterUuid(); String nodeName = info.getNodeName(); Version version = info.getVersion(); Build build = info.getBuild(); System.out.println("集群名称:" + clusterName.value()); System.out.println("Uuid:" + clusterUuid); System.out.println("节点名称:" + nodeName); System.out.println("Version:" + version.toString()); System.out.println("Bulid:" + build.toString()); return client; }
14. Indices
14.1 分词器
# 标准分词器GET _analyze{ "analyzer" : "standard", "text" : ["this is a test", "the second text"]}# IK分词器GET _analyze{ "analyzer" : "ik_smart", "text" : ["真好玩", "一个叫yado的博士找到他,希望buzzo和他的团伙去帮他散布一种叫做joy的毒品"]}
/** * 分词器 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient analyze() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); AnalyzeRequest request = new AnalyzeRequest(); request.text("真好玩", "一个叫yado的博士找到他,希望buzzo和他的团伙去帮他散布一种叫做joy的毒品"); request.analyzer("ik_smart"); AnalyzeResponse response = client.indices().analyze(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); Listtokens = response.getTokens(); for(AnalyzeResponse.AnalyzeToken t : tokens){ int endOffset = t.getEndOffset(); int position = t.getPosition(); int positionLength = t.getPositionLength(); int startOffset = t.getStartOffset(); String term = t.getTerm(); String type = t.getType(); System.out.println("Start:" + startOffset + ",End:" + endOffset + ",Position:" + position + ",Length:" + positionLength + ",Term:" + term + ",Type:" + type); } return client; }
14.2 Create Index
小写字母不能包含 \, /, *, ?, ", <, >, |, ` ` (space character), ,, #7.0之前的索引可能包含冒号(:),但是不赞成这样做,7.0+不支持这样做不能以-,_,+开头不能. or ..长度不能超过255字节
# 创建索引PUT twitter{ "settings" : { "number_of_shards" : 3, "number_of_replicas" : 2 }, "mappings" : { "my_doc" : { "properties" : { "field1" : { "type" : "text" } } } }}
public static RestHighLevelClient createIndex() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); CreateIndexRequest request = new CreateIndexRequest("twitter"); request.settings(Settings.builder() .put("index.number_of_shards", 3) .put("index.number_of_replicas", 2)) // 设置mapping //.mapping("t_doc", "field1","type=keyword,store=true") // Object key-pairs .mapping("t_doc", jsonBuilder() .startObject() .startObject("t_doc") .startObject("properties") .startObject("msg") .field("type","text") .endObject() .endObject() .endObject() .endObject()) // 别名 .alias(new Alias("my_index_alias")) // 创建超时 .timeout(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(2)) // 连接到主节点超时时间 .masterNodeTimeout(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(1)) // 在创建索引返回响应之前等待的活动碎片副本的数量 .waitForActiveShards(2); CreateIndexResponse indexResponse = client.indices().create(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); boolean acknowledged = indexResponse.isAcknowledged(); boolean shardsAcknowledged = indexResponse.isShardsAcknowledged(); System.out.println(acknowledged); return client; }
14.3 Delete Index
# 删除索引DELETE /twitter
public static RestHighLevelClient deleteIndex() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); DeleteIndexRequest request = new DeleteIndexRequest(); // 使用_all或者通配符*可以删除所有索引。如果要禁用:action.destructive_requires_name=true request.indices("twitter","it_book","car","school","story"); try { AcknowledgedResponse acknowledgedResponse = client.indices().delete(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); boolean acknowledged = acknowledgedResponse.isAcknowledged(); System.out.println(acknowledged); } catch (ElasticsearchException exception) { if (exception.status() == RestStatus.NOT_FOUND) { System.err.println("Index Not Found"); } } return client; }
14.4 Indices Exists
# 索引是否存在HEAD /china_index# Type是否存在HEAD /china_index/_mapping/city
public static RestHighLevelClient existIndex() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); GetIndexRequest request = new GetIndexRequest(); request.indices("china_index"); boolean exists = client.indices().exists(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(exists); return client; }
# 开启索引POST /twitter/_open
public static RestHighLevelClient openIndex() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); OpenIndexRequest request = new OpenIndexRequest("twitter"); request.timeout(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(2)); OpenIndexResponse open = client.indices().open(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); boolean acknowledged = open.isAcknowledged(); boolean shardsAcked = open.isShardsAcknowledged(); System.out.println(acknowledged); return client; }
# 关闭索引POST /twitter/_close
public static RestHighLevelClient closeIndex() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); CloseIndexRequest request = new CloseIndexRequest("twitter"); request.timeout(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(2)); AcknowledgedResponse closeIndexResponse = client.indices().close(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); boolean acknowledged = closeIndexResponse.isAcknowledged(); System.out.println(acknowledged); return client; }
14.7 Shrink Index【压缩索引】
# 准备源索引PUT my_source_index{ "settings" : { "number_of_shards" : 4, "number_of_replicas" : 2, "index.blocks.write": true }}--{ "acknowledged" : true, "shards_acknowledged" : true, "index" : "my_source_index"}
POST my_source_index/_shrink/my_target_index?copy_settings=true{ "settings": { "index.number_of_shards": 1, "index.number_of_replicas": 1, "index.codec": "best_compression" }, "aliases": { "my_search_indices": { } }}--{ "acknowledged" : true, "shards_acknowledged" : true, "index" : "my_target_index"}
GET my_source_index结果:{ "my_source_index" : { "aliases" : { }, "mappings" : { }, "settings" : { "index" : { "number_of_shards" : "4", "blocks" : { "write" : "true" }, "provided_name" : "my_source_index", "creation_date" : "1546589291669", "number_of_replicas" : "2", "uuid" : "tSYNLldWQNCOlR5NJGaH9g", "version" : { "created" : "6050099" } } } }}---GET my_target_index结果:{ "my_target_index" : { "aliases" : { "my_search_indices" : { } }, "mappings" : { }, "settings" : { "index" : { "allocation" : { "max_retries" : "1" }, "shrink" : { "source" : { "name" : "my_source_index", "uuid" : "tSYNLldWQNCOlR5NJGaH9g" } }, "blocks" : { "write" : "true" }, "provided_name" : "my_target_index", "creation_date" : "1546589354014", "number_of_replicas" : "1", "uuid" : "F976xviGQ965JU9patwQnA", "version" : { "created" : "6050099", "upgraded" : "6050099" }, "codec" : "best_compression", "routing" : { "allocation" : { "initial_recovery" : { "_id" : "wCr6Uz0jTvGaTHh5acNxKA" } } }, "number_of_shards" : "1", "routing_partition_size" : "1", "resize" : { "source" : { "name" : "my_source_index", "uuid" : "tSYNLldWQNCOlR5NJGaH9g" } } } } }}
/** * 压缩索引(将索引压缩为主分片数更少的新索引) * 目标索引中请求的主碎片数量必须是源索引中碎片数量的一个因数。例如,有8个主碎片的索引可以压缩为4个、2个或1个主碎片; * 或者有15个主碎片的索引可以压缩为5个、3个或1个主碎片。 * 过程: * 首先,它创建一个新的目标索引,其定义与源索引相同,但是主碎片的数量较少 * 然后它将段从源索引硬链接到目标索引 * 最后,它将目标索引恢复为一个刚刚重新打开的closed index * @return */ public static RestHighLevelClient shrinkIndex() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); ResizeRequest resizeRequest = new ResizeRequest("target_index", "source_index"); resizeRequest.getTargetIndexRequest() .alias(new Alias("target_index_alias")) .settings(Settings.builder() .put("index.number_of_shards", 2) ); ResizeResponse resizeResponse = client.indices().shrink(resizeRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); boolean acknowledged = resizeResponse.isAcknowledged(); boolean shardsAcked = resizeResponse.isShardsAcknowledged(); System.out.println(acknowledged); return client; }
14.8 Split Index
# index.number_of_routing_shards must be >= index.number_of_shardsPUT my_source_index2{ "settings" : { "number_of_shards" : 2, "index.number_of_routing_shards" : 8, "index.blocks.write": true }}--{ "acknowledged" : true, "shards_acknowledged" : true, "index" : "my_source_index2"}
# 拆分索引POST my_source_index2/_split/my_target_index2?copy_settings=true{ "settings": { "index.number_of_shards": 4 }, "aliases": { "my_search_indices": { } }}--{ "acknowledged" : true, "shards_acknowledged" : true, "index" : "my_target_index2"}
GET my_source_index2结果:{ "my_source_index2" : { "aliases" : { }, "mappings" : { }, "settings" : { "index" : { "number_of_shards" : "2", "blocks" : { "write" : "true" }, "provided_name" : "my_source_index2", "creation_date" : "1546590226265", "number_of_replicas" : "1", "uuid" : "iuDENl3uQku0Ef6flu8S-Q", "version" : { "created" : "6050099" } } } }}---GET my_target_index2结果:{ "my_target_index2" : { "aliases" : { "my_search_indices" : { } }, "mappings" : { }, "settings" : { "index" : { "number_of_shards" : "4", "routing_partition_size" : "1", "blocks" : { "write" : "true" }, "provided_name" : "my_target_index2", "resize" : { "source" : { "name" : "my_source_index2", "uuid" : "iuDENl3uQku0Ef6flu8S-Q" } }, "creation_date" : "1546590255143", "number_of_replicas" : "1", "uuid" : "ZBnocs2bSker45kb2lXoRw", "version" : { "created" : "6050099", "upgraded" : "6050099" } } } }}
/** * 拆分索引(每个原始的主碎片被拆分为新索引中的两个或多个主碎片) * 重要:源索引必须在创建的时候指定number_of_routing_shards参数,以便将来有拆分的需要。在Elasticsearch 7.0这个前提被移除。 * 索引能被拆分的次数以及每个主分片能被拆分的个数取决于index.number_of_routing_shards参数的设置 * 过程: * 首先,它创建一个新的目标索引,其定义与源索引相同,但是具有更多的主碎片 * 然后它将段从源索引硬链接到目标索引 * 创建了低级文件之后,所有文档将再次散列以删除属于不同碎片的文档 * 最后,它将目标索引恢复为一个刚刚重新打开的closed index * @return */ public static RestHighLevelClient splitIndex() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); ResizeRequest resizeRequest = new ResizeRequest("target_index", "source_index"); resizeRequest.timeout(TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(2)) .masterNodeTimeout(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(1)) .setResizeType(ResizeType.SPLIT); // 类型是拆分 resizeRequest.getTargetIndexRequest() .alias(new Alias("target_index_alias")) .settings(Settings.builder() .put("index.number_of_shards", 4)); ResizeResponse resizeResponse = client.indices().split(resizeRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); boolean acknowledged = resizeResponse.isAcknowledged(); boolean shardsAcked = resizeResponse.isShardsAcknowledged(); return client; }
14.9 Refresh
# 刷新索引【默认定期刷新】POST /kimchy,elasticsearch/_refreshPOST /_refresh
/** * 刷新索引 * 默认情况下,刷新是定期调度的 * @return */ public static RestHighLevelClient refreshIndex() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); RefreshRequest refreshRequest = new RefreshRequest("index_1","index_2"); try { RefreshResponse refresh = client.indices().refresh(refreshRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); int totalShards = refresh.getTotalShards(); int successfulShards = refresh.getSuccessfulShards(); int failedShards = refresh.getFailedShards(); DefaultShardOperationFailedException[] failures = refresh.getShardFailures(); } catch (ElasticsearchException exception) { if (exception.status() == RestStatus.NOT_FOUND) { // TODO } } return client; }
POST twitter/_flush
/** * https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-flush.html * 索引的刷新进程通过将数据刷新到索引存储并清除内部事务日志,基本上将内存从索引中释放出来 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient flushIndex() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); FlushRequest requestMultiple = new FlushRequest("index1", "index2"); try { FlushResponse flushResponse = client.indices().flush(requestMultiple, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); int totalShards = flushResponse.getTotalShards(); int successfulShards = flushResponse.getSuccessfulShards(); int failedShards = flushResponse.getFailedShards(); DefaultShardOperationFailedException[] failures = flushResponse.getShardFailures(); } catch (ElasticsearchException exception) { if (exception.status() == RestStatus.NOT_FOUND) { // TODO } } return client; }
14.11 Clear Cache
# 清空缓存POST /twitter/_cache/clear
/** * 清除索引的缓存 * @return */ public static RestHighLevelClient clearCacheIndex() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); ClearIndicesCacheRequest cacheRequest = new ClearIndicesCacheRequest("index1", "index2"); cacheRequest.queryCache(true); // 查询 cacheRequest.fieldDataCache(true); // 字段数据 cacheRequest.requestCache(true); // 请求 cacheRequest.fields("field1", "field2", "field3"); try { ClearIndicesCacheResponse clearCache = client.indices().clearCache(cacheRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); int totalShards = clearCache.getTotalShards(); int successfulShards = clearCache.getSuccessfulShards(); int failedShards = clearCache.getFailedShards(); DefaultShardOperationFailedException[] failures = clearCache.getShardFailures(); } catch (ElasticsearchException exception) { if (exception.status() == RestStatus.NOT_FOUND) { // TODO } } return client; }
14.12 Force Merge
# 合并POST /kimchy/_forcemerge?only_expunge_deletes=false&max_num_segments=100&flush=true# max_num_segments=1,所有的段都重写为一个新的POST /kimchy,elasticsearch/_forcemerge
/** * 合并一个或多个索引 * 此调用将阻塞,直到合并完成。如果http连接丢失,请求将在后台继续,任何新请求都将阻塞,直到前一个强制合并完成 * **强制合并只能对只读索引调用。对读写索引执行强制合并会导致产生非常大的段(每段大于5GB) * https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/java-rest/current/java-rest-high-force-merge.html * https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-forcemerge.html * @return */ public static RestHighLevelClient ForceMergeIndex() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); ForceMergeRequest requestMultiple = new ForceMergeRequest("index1", "index2"); // 要合并的分片数。要完全合并索引,请将其设置为1 requestMultiple.maxNumSegments(1); // 合并过程是否删除标记为删除的段。在Lucene中,一个文档不是从一个段中删除,而是标记为已删除。在段的合并过程中,将创建一个没有这些删除的新段。 // 此标志只允许合并具有删除的段。默认值为false requestMultiple.onlyExpungeDeletes(true); requestMultiple.flush(true); try { ForceMergeResponse forceMergeResponse = client.indices().forcemerge(requestMultiple, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); int totalShards = forceMergeResponse.getTotalShards(); int successfulShards = forceMergeResponse.getSuccessfulShards(); int failedShards = forceMergeResponse.getFailedShards(); DefaultShardOperationFailedException[] failures = forceMergeResponse.getShardFailures(); } catch (ElasticsearchException exception) { if (exception.status() == RestStatus.NOT_FOUND) { // TODO } } return client; }
14.13 Put Mapping
# 增加一个不带type的索引PUT twitter {}# 增加typePUT twitter/_mapping/_doc { "properties": { "email": { "type": "keyword" } }}
/** * 添加mapping(不能更新已存在的字段类型) * @return */ public static RestHighLevelClient putMapping() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); PutMappingRequest request = new PutMappingRequest("twitter"); request.type("_doc"); // 我更喜欢Object key-pairs 的形式 request.source("message","type=text","name","type=keyword"); request.timeout(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(2)); request.masterNodeTimeout(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(1)); AcknowledgedResponse putMappingResponse = client.indices().putMapping(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); boolean acknowledged = putMappingResponse.isAcknowledged(); System.out.println(acknowledged); return client; }
14.14 Get Mappings
# 获取全部索引的Mapping,可以精确到typeGET /_all/_mapping/[Type]#获取指定索引的MappingGET /twitter/_mapping/[Type]# 例如:GET /china_index/_mapping...{ "china_index" : { "mappings" : { "city" : { "properties" : { "cName" : { "type" : "text" }, "location" : { "type" : "geo_point" }, "pName" : { "type" : "keyword" } } } } }}
/** * 获取mapping * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient getMapping() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); GetMappingsRequest request = new GetMappingsRequest(); request.indices("china_index"); request.types("city"); request.masterNodeTimeout(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(1)); GetMappingsResponse getMappingResponse = client.indices().getMapping(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); getMappingResponse.getMappings().forEach(e -> { String key = e.key; ImmutableOpenMapvalue = e.value; value.forEach(v -> { System.out.println(key + "|" + v.key + "|" + v.value.getSourceAsMap()); }); }); return client; }
china_index|city|{ properties={pName={type=keyword}, cName={ type=text}, location={ type=geo_point}}}
# 查看具体字段的Mapping信息GET [索引]/_mapping/field/[field1,field2]GET china_index/_mapping/field/pName,location..{ "china_index" : { "mappings" : { "city" : { "pName" : { "full_name" : "pName", "mapping" : { "pName" : { "type" : "keyword" } } }, "location" : { "full_name" : "location", "mapping" : { "location" : { "type" : "geo_point" } } } } } }}
/** * 获取指定字段的Mapping * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient getFieldMappings() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); GetFieldMappingsRequest request = new GetFieldMappingsRequest(); request.indices("china_index"); // 可以多个索引 request.types("city"); // 多个类型 request.fields("pName","location"); // 多个字段 GetFieldMappingsResponse response = client.indices().getFieldMapping(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); Map>> mappings = response.mappings(); mappings.keySet().forEach(e -> { Map > mapMap = mappings.get(e); mapMap.keySet().forEach(i -> { Map metaDataMap = mapMap.get(i); metaDataMap.keySet().forEach(j -> { GetFieldMappingsResponse.FieldMappingMetaData fieldMappingMetaData = metaDataMap.get(j); System.out.println(e + "|" + i + "|" + j + "|" + fieldMappingMetaData.sourceAsMap()); }); }); }); return client; }
china_index|city|pName|{ pName={type=keyword}}china_index|city|location|{ location={type=geo_point}}
# 添加别名POST /_aliases{ "actions" : [ { "remove" : { "index" : "test1", "alias" : "alias1" } }, { "add" : { "index" : "test2", "alias" : "alias1" } } ]}# 例子POST /_aliases{ "actions" : [ { "add" : { "index" : "my_source_index", "alias" : "alias111" } }, { "add" : { "index" : "my_source_index2", "alias" : "alias222" } } ]}...{ "acknowledged" : true}
/** * 添加别名,这个方法只是列出了一些情况,如果要运行请先根据实际情况修改 * @return */ public static RestHighLevelClient indexAlias() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); IndicesAliasesRequest request = new IndicesAliasesRequest(); IndicesAliasesRequest.AliasActions aliasAction = new IndicesAliasesRequest.AliasActions(IndicesAliasesRequest.AliasActions.Type.ADD) .index("index1") .alias("alias1"); // 添加别名,并指定routing IndicesAliasesRequest.AliasActions addIndicesAction = new IndicesAliasesRequest.AliasActions(IndicesAliasesRequest.AliasActions.Type.ADD) .indices("index1", "index2") .alias("alias2") .routing("my_routing"); // 移除别名 IndicesAliasesRequest.AliasActions removeAction = new IndicesAliasesRequest.AliasActions(IndicesAliasesRequest.AliasActions.Type.REMOVE) .index("index3") .alias("alias3"); // 删除索引 IndicesAliasesRequest.AliasActions removeIndexAction = new IndicesAliasesRequest.AliasActions(IndicesAliasesRequest.AliasActions.Type.REMOVE_INDEX) .index("index4"); request.addAliasAction(aliasAction); AcknowledgedResponse indicesAliasesResponse = client.indices().updateAliases(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); boolean acknowledged = indicesAliasesResponse.isAcknowledged(); System.out.println(acknowledged); return client; }
14.17 Exists Alias
# 检查HEAD /my_source_index/_alias/alias111# 从所有索引里面找别名为2016的HEAD /_alias/2016# 还可以使用通配符HEAD /_alias/20*---存在的话200 - OK不存在404 - Not Found
/** * 判断别名是否存在 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient aliasExist() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); GetAliasesRequest request = new GetAliasesRequest(); request.aliases("alias222"); request.indices("my_source_index2");// GetAliasesRequest requestWithAlias = new GetAliasesRequest("alias1"); // 单个// GetAliasesRequest requestWithAliases =// new GetAliasesRequest(new String[]{"alias1", "alias2"}); // 多个 boolean exists = client.indices().existsAlias(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); System.out.println(exists); return client; }
14.18 Get AliasHTTP
# 获取GET /my_source_index/_alias/alias111--{ "my_source_index" : { "aliases" : { "alias111" : { } } }}# 从所有索引里面找别名为alias222的GET /_alias/alias222--{ "my_source_index2" : { "aliases" : { "alias222" : { } } }}# 还可以使用通配符GET /_alias/20*# 显示索引的所有别名GET /my_source_index/_alias/*# 所有别名GET /_alias/*--{ "my_target_index2" : { "aliases" : { "my_search_indices" : { } } }, "my_source_index2" : { "aliases" : { "alias222" : { } } }, ".kibana_1" : { "aliases" : { ".kibana" : { } } }, "my_source_index" : { "aliases" : { "alias111" : { } } }, "my_target_index" : { "aliases" : { "my_search_indices" : { } } }}
# 删除别名DELETE /my_source_index/_alias/alias111--{ "acknowledged" : true}
/** * 获取别名 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient getAlias() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); GetAliasesRequest request = new GetAliasesRequest(); request.aliases("alias222"); request.indices("my_source_index2");// GetAliasesRequest requestWithAlias = new GetAliasesRequest("alias1");// GetAliasesRequest requestWithAliases =// new GetAliasesRequest(new String[]{"alias1", "alias2"}); GetAliasesResponse response = client.indices().getAlias(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); Map> aliases = response.getAliases(); aliases.keySet().forEach(e -> { Set aliasMetaData = aliases.get(e); System.out.println(e + ":" + aliasMetaData.toString()); }); return client; }
my_source_index2:[{ "alias222" : { }}]
14.19 Update Indices Settings
# 更新settingPUT /twitter/_settings{ "index" : { "number_of_replicas" : 2, "refresh_interval" : "1s" }}
/** * 更新setting * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient updateSetting() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); // 更新单个 UpdateSettingsRequest request = new UpdateSettingsRequest("index1"); // 更新多个 //UpdateSettingsRequest requestMultiple = // new UpdateSettingsRequest("index1", "index2"); // 全部更新 //UpdateSettingsRequest requestAll = new UpdateSettingsRequest(); Settings settings = Settings.builder() .put("index.number_of_replicas", 2) .build(); request.settings(settings); AcknowledgedResponse updateSettingsResponse = client.indices().putSettings(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); boolean acknowledged = updateSettingsResponse.isAcknowledged(); System.out.println(acknowledged); return client; }
14.20 Get Settings
# 获取指定索引的settingsGET /twitter,kimchy/_settings# 获取全部settingsGET /_all/_settings
/** * 获取setting * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient getSetting() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); GetSettingsRequest request = new GetSettingsRequest().indices("china_index"); GetSettingsResponse getSettingsResponse = client.indices().getSettings(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); ImmutableOpenMapsettings = getSettingsResponse.getIndexToSettings(); settings.forEach(e -> { System.out.println(e.key); Settings value = e.value; value.keySet().forEach(k -> { System.out.println(k + ":" + value.get(k)); }); }); return client; }
14.21 Put Template & Get Templates
# 索引模板PUT _template/template_1{ "index_patterns": ["te*", "bar*"], "settings": { "number_of_shards": 1 }, "mappings": { "my_doc": { "_source": { "enabled": false }, "properties": { "host_name": { "type": "keyword" }, "created_at": { "type": "date", "format": "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss Z YYYY" } } } }}# 删除模板DELETE /_template/template_1# 获取模板GET /_template/template_1# 获取所有模板GET /_template# 模板是否存在HEAD _template/template_1
public static RestHighLevelClient validateQuery() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); // ValidateQueryRequest需要一个或多个索引来验证查询。如果没有提供索引,则在所有索引上执行请求。 ValidateQueryRequest request = new ValidateQueryRequest("twitter"); QueryBuilder builder = QueryBuilders .boolQuery() .must(QueryBuilders.queryStringQuery("*:*")) .filter(QueryBuilders.termQuery("user", "kimchy")); request.query(builder); request.allShards(true);// 默认情况下,请求只在一个随机选择的分片上执行 request.explain(true); request.rewrite(true); ValidateQueryResponse response = client.indices().validateQuery(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); boolean isValid = response.isValid(); int totalShards = response.getTotalShards(); int successfulShards = response.getSuccessfulShards(); int failedShards = response.getFailedShards(); System.out.println("isValid:" + isValid + ",totalShards:" + totalShards + ",successfulShards:" + successfulShards + ",failedShards:" + failedShards); if (failedShards > 0) { for(DefaultShardOperationFailedException failure: response.getShardFailures()) { String failedIndex = failure.index(); int shardId = failure.shardId(); String reason = failure.reason(); System.out.println("failedIndex:" + failedIndex + ",shardId:" + shardId + ",reason:" + reason); } } for(QueryExplanation explanation: response.getQueryExplanation()) { String explanationIndex = explanation.getIndex(); int shardId = explanation.getShard(); String explanationString = explanation.getExplanation(); System.out.println("explanationIndex:" + explanationIndex + ",shardId:" + shardId + ",explanationString:" + explanationString); } return client; }
14.23 Get Index
# 获取所有索引信息GET /_all# 单个索引信息GET /twitter
/** * 获取索引详细信息 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static RestHighLevelClient getIndex() throws IOException { RestHighLevelClient client = RestClientFactory.getInstance().getClient(); GetIndexRequest request = new GetIndexRequest().indices("_all"); // _all是关键字,列出所有索引信息。也可以是通配符* GetIndexResponse indexResponse = client.indices().get(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT); // Mappings ImmutableOpenMap> mappings = indexResponse.getMappings(); mappings.forEach(e -> { String key = e.key; ImmutableOpenMap map = e.value; System.out.println("Index:" + key); map.forEach(n -> { String type = n.key; MappingMetaData metaData = n.value; System.out.println(type + "|" + metaData.getSourceAsMap()); }); }); // Aliases System.out.println("**********************************"); ImmutableOpenMap > aliases = indexResponse.getAliases(); aliases.forEach(e -> { String key = e.key; List value = e.value; System.out.println("----" + key + "----"); value.forEach(a -> { System.out.println(a.alias()); }); }); // Settings System.out.println("**********************************"); ImmutableOpenMap defaultSettings = indexResponse.defaultSettings(); defaultSettings.forEach(e -> { String key = e.key; Settings value = e.value; System.out.println("----" + key + "----"); value.keySet().forEach(k -> { System.out.println(k + ":" + value.get(k)); }); }); ImmutableOpenMap settings = indexResponse.getSettings(); settings.forEach(e -> { String key = e.key; Settings value = e.value; System.out.println("----" + key + "----"); value.keySet().forEach(k -> { System.out.println(k + ":" + value.get(k)); }); }); return client; }
Index:china_shape_indexinfo|{ properties={location={precision=100.0m, type=geo_shape}, remark={ type=keyword}}}Index:china_indexcity|{ properties={pName={type=keyword}, cName={ type=text}, location={ type=geo_point}}}Index:booksjava|{ properties={title={type=text, fields={keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}}, user={ type=text, fields={keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}}}}Index:my_source_index2Index:my_target_index2Index:my_source_indexIndex:usersinfo|{ properties={address={analyzer=ik_max_word, type=text}, age={ type=long}, username={ type=keyword}}}Index:my_target_indexIndex:testmsg|{ properties={message={analyzer=ik_max_word, type=text}}}Index:.kibana_1doc|{ dynamic=strict, properties={server={properties={uuid={type=keyword}}}, visualization={ properties={savedSearchId={type=keyword}, description={ type=text}, uiStateJSON={ type=text}, title={ type=text}, version={ type=integer}, kibanaSavedObjectMeta={ properties={searchSourceJSON={type=text}}}, visState={ type=text}}}, 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type={ type=keyword}}}, search={ properties={hits={type=integer}, columns={ type=keyword}, description={ type=text}, sort={ type=keyword}, title={ type=text}, version={ type=integer}, kibanaSavedObjectMeta={ properties={searchSourceJSON={type=text}}}}}, updated_at={ type=date}, canvas-workpad={ dynamic=false, properties={@created={type=date}, @timestamp={ type=date}, name={ type=text, fields={keyword={type=keyword}}}, id={ index=false, type=text}}}, namespace={ type=keyword}, telemetry={ properties={enabled={type=boolean}}}, timelion-sheet={ properties={hits={type=integer}, timelion_sheet={ type=text}, timelion_interval={ type=keyword}, timelion_columns={ type=integer}, timelion_other_interval={ type=keyword}, timelion_rows={ type=integer}, description={ type=text}, title={ type=text}, version={ type=integer}, kibanaSavedObjectMeta={ properties={searchSourceJSON={type=text}}}, timelion_chart_height={ type=integer}}}, config={ dynamic=true, properties={buildNum={type=keyword}}}, dashboard={ properties={hits={type=integer}, timeFrom={ type=keyword}, timeTo={ type=keyword}, refreshInterval={ properties={display={type=keyword}, section={ type=integer}, value={ type=integer}, pause={ type=boolean}}}, description={ type=text}, uiStateJSON={ type=text}, timeRestore={ type=boolean}, title={ type=text}, version={ type=integer}, kibanaSavedObjectMeta={ properties={searchSourceJSON={type=text}}}, optionsJSON={ type=text}, panelsJSON={ type=text}}}}}Index:twittert_doc|{ properties={msg={type=text, fields={keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}}, A={ type=text, fields={keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}}, B={ type=text, fields={keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}}, C={ type=text, fields={keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}}, flag={ type=text, fields={keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}}, D={ type=text, fields={keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}}, color={ type=text, fields={keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}}, updateUser={ type=text, fields={keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}}, extMsg={ type=text, fields={keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}}, counter={ type=long}, message={ type=text, fields={keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}}, field={ type=text, fields={keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}}, size={ type=text, fields={keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}}, post_date={ type=date}, name={ type=text, fields={keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}}, animal={ properties={cat={type=text, fields={keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}}, dog={ type=text, fields={keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}}}}, postDate={ type=date}, hate={ type=text, fields={keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}}, favorite={ type=text, fields={keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}}, user={ type=text, fields={keyword={ignore_above=256, type=keyword}}}}}**********************************----china_shape_index--------.kibana_1----.kibana----china_index--------users--------my_source_index--------my_source_index2----alias222----my_target_index2----my_search_indices----my_target_index----my_search_indices----test--------twitter--------books----**********************************----my_target_index----index.allocation.max_retries:1index.blocks.write:trueindex.codec:best_compressionindex.creation_date:1546589354014index.number_of_replicas:1index.number_of_shards:1index.provided_name:my_target_indexindex.resize.source.name:my_source_indexindex.resize.source.uuid:tSYNLldWQNCOlR5NJGaH9gindex.routing.allocation.initial_recovery._id:wCr6Uz0jTvGaTHh5acNxKAindex.routing_partition_size:1index.shrink.source.name:my_source_indexindex.shrink.source.uuid:tSYNLldWQNCOlR5NJGaH9gindex.uuid:F976xviGQ965JU9patwQnAindex.version.created:6050099index.version.upgraded:6050099----twitter----index.creation_date:1545622508123index.number_of_replicas:1index.number_of_shards:5index.provided_name:twitterindex.uuid:TLReCXTSSe6tvI7yNveWgwindex.version.created:6050099----books----index.creation_date:1545708244767index.number_of_replicas:1index.number_of_shards:5index.provided_name:booksindex.uuid:leQWEGe8So6B10awTItCNgindex.version.created:6050099----users----index.creation_date:1545967628013index.number_of_replicas:1index.number_of_shards:1index.provided_name:usersindex.uuid:tyxNGtSsThOFDaTBBy7jKQindex.version.created:6050099----my_source_index----index.blocks.write:trueindex.creation_date:1546589291669index.number_of_replicas:2index.number_of_shards:4index.provided_name:my_source_indexindex.uuid:tSYNLldWQNCOlR5NJGaH9gindex.version.created:6050099----my_source_index2----index.blocks.write:trueindex.creation_date:1546590226265index.number_of_replicas:1index.number_of_shards:2index.provided_name:my_source_index2index.uuid:iuDENl3uQku0Ef6flu8S-Qindex.version.created:6050099----test----index.creation_date:1545791918478index.number_of_replicas:1index.number_of_shards:1index.provided_name:testindex.uuid:qF3UiIqHTLK_X7FSUUhlGwindex.version.created:6050099----china_shape_index----index.creation_date:1545981755548index.number_of_replicas:1index.number_of_shards:1index.provided_name:china_shape_indexindex.uuid:jhwyVqR0RQywyf3n7W0maQindex.version.created:6050099----china_index----index.creation_date:1545294776325index.number_of_replicas:1index.number_of_shards:1index.provided_name:china_indexindex.uuid:LYn6XQ_sRZCazMtweW31ZAindex.version.created:6050099----.kibana_1----index.auto_expand_replicas:0-1index.creation_date:1542353618696index.number_of_replicas:0index.number_of_shards:1index.provided_name:.kibana_1index.uuid:IvzG6JhgRJ-GgwTDWmmirQindex.version.created:6050099----my_target_index2----index.blocks.write:trueindex.creation_date:1546590255143index.number_of_replicas:1index.number_of_shards:4index.provided_name:my_target_index2index.resize.source.name:my_source_index2index.resize.source.uuid:iuDENl3uQku0Ef6flu8S-Qindex.routing_partition_size:1index.uuid:ZBnocs2bSker45kb2lXoRwindex.version.created:6050099index.version.upgraded:6050099Process finished with exit code 0